It's actually been proven (and used as a justification to NOT raise the minimum wage) that middle class families benefit the MOST from the increase, and not lower class families. (I heard this point reiterated again on CSPAN earlier today, by an opponent of the minimum wage increase)
As for the business closures, look at the numbers in the 29 states that already have increased the wage. The closures are "negligible" and hover around 0%. (Do some research)
Sure, it might put a crimp in some businesses hiring practices, but so would deporting all illegal immigrants. Everything has a consequence.
2007-01-10 12:30:48
answer #1
answered by Mrs. Bass 7
Humm. Many so-called 'middle class' families have already dipped to the poverty line. Taken a good look at the new BANKRUPCY filings lately? tHOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF THEM COUNTRY WIDE! And how many are living from paycheck to paycheck making those "middle class" wages.
And keep this in mind also. When a person files bankrupcty,and they are still working, with the new bankruptcy laws, some of those bills have to be paid under the Plan and some don't. So all of those "middle class" people with multiple mortgages are still working, but their bills have decreased. But they could still lose those "middle class" jobs. And those "middle class" homes. And then, it's back again to 'minimum wage."
2007-01-10 20:45:59
answer #2
answered by rare2findd 6
I agree that the minimum wage increase hurts the ones it was meant to help. I may be wrong but I think this first one won't be so bad because most already pay that much or higher. The next one will be the killer. But it will still have an impact. Look for prices on some things to increase and unemployment to go up a bit. Wait until they hike the taxes on big oil that will be fun. Like Clinton, Nancy and co. will continue promising tax hikes for the rich and tax breaks for the middle calss and the poor all the way to the white house and then not be able to deliver. It's funny how the liberals on here and other sites scream about how Bush cut taxes for the rich and not the middle class. When in reality if you look at the percentages of taxes paid,the rich actually paid less under Clinton then under Bush. And the middle class paid more under Clinton. I found those numbers on the Library of Congress web site. But some of the ones on here like most libs in power don't run there lives on facts just emotions and empty promises. Look for more of this in the months to come, stock market to go down unemployment up all in the name of making everyone equal....equally miserable that it lol
2007-01-10 20:43:51
answer #3
answered by crusinthru 6
This congress apparently thinks they were hired to ram this huge minimum wage increase down everyone's throat. Why don't they instead focus on legislation that works... do something about the immigration problem that they hammered the Republicans so hard about during the campaigning.. Have they forgotten those acidic words so quickly?? Get rid of the illegals, and wages will rise of their own accord since companies will need to fight to hire AMERICAN workers... Save the middle class!!!
2007-01-10 20:59:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well I am in the middle class and I my family does run two small businesses. A small business will probably pay more to their employees....people with more money will pay more for services....and we have more business. I won't hit the poverty line. Indeed we are thinking of growing a bit more.
2007-01-10 20:30:53
answer #5
answered by wiseob3oo 3
Small business will just hire fewer employees and make the ones that pay the $7.25 work harder. The unintended consequence might be fewer of the working poor working, but those that are, will be working harder. I don't think the Libs thought this one out, I am actually optimistic about this.
2007-01-10 21:02:01
answer #6
answered by Yo it's Me 7
Probably more than libs realize. It will hit small business extremely hard.
Hey, aren't the libs so dead set against large companies?
Where is their concern for the small business?? They're so willing to drive the small business out but then who does that leave??? LARGE COMPANIES that THEY complain are greedy (but most have earned where they are today).
Go figure..
2007-01-10 20:32:23
answer #7
answered by patrioticpeladac 4
hey Chloe..just how far above poverty is 10 dollars an hour? ever tried raising a family bringing home 325 dollars a week?
2007-01-10 20:33:23
answer #8
answered by mrdavidc1974 2
Oh get off it. If you really believe that the corporations who gobbled up all the mom and pop businesses all over the country can't afford even 10 an hour for employees, you are a really retarded.
What ever happened to the owners of small businesses working the hours themselves and putting their relatives to work for them? That's what the foreigners do.
If you can't pay a decent wage, you need to work the counter your god-damned self.
2007-01-10 20:28:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
about the same amount that are going to close down from electrical power deregulation.
2007-01-10 20:29:58
answer #10
answered by jj 5