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Been hearing a lot about "Blonde Moments" and the word 'blonde' being used to replace 'dumb' - what about the opposite?

2007-01-10 12:00:37 · 8 answers · asked by Blonde & Sharp 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

8 answers

I'm not the dullest crayon on the box but I'm not the sharpest. ALL blondes are NOT dumb!!

Mike H, you need to speak for yourself!!!

2007-01-10 12:31:37 · answer #1 · answered by JůnəßůĢ 6 · 1 1

Q: How does a blonde try to kill a fish? A: Drowned it PAINTING THE PORCH A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do. "Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?" The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?" The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch." A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money. "You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats." Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "That's not a Porsche, it's a Ferrari Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a solar powered calculator? A: The blonde works in the dark! Q: How can you tell if a blonde has been using the computer? A: The joystick is wet. Q: What does a blonde put behind her ears to make her more attractive? A: Her ankles. Q: What do you say to a Blonde that won't give in? A: "Have another beer." Q: What do Blondes say after sex? A1: Thanks Guys. A2: Are you boys all in the same band? A3: Do you guys all play for the Green Bay Packers? Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes twinkle? A: Shine a flashlight in their ear. Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common? A: The more you bang it the looser it gets. A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful. So she left a note for her milkman to leave 15 gallons of milk. When the milkman read the note, he felt there must be a mistake. He thought she probably meant 1.5 gallons so he knocked on her door to clarify the point. The blonde came to the door and the milkman said, "I found your note to leave 15 gallons of milk. Did you mean 1.5 gallons?" The blonde said, "I want 15 gallons. I'm going to fill my bathtub up with milk and take a milk bath." The milkman asked, "Do you want it Pasteurized?" The blonde said, "No, just up to my boobs, I can splash it in my eyes Q. How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? A. Tell her a joke on Wednesday. Q. How do you confuse a blonde? A. You can't, they have always been like that. Q: Why did the blonde scale the chain-link fence? A: To see what was on the other side. Q. How do you amuse a blonde for hours? A. Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper. Q. What do twenty blondes standing ear to ear make? A. A wind tunnel. Q. How do you confuse a blonde? A. Put them in a round room and tell them to sit in the corner. Q. How does a blonde try to kill a fish? A. She drowns it. Q. What did the blonde's left leg say to her right leg? A. Between the two of us, we can make a lot of money. Q. How does a blonde part their hair? A. By doing the splits. Q. What did the blondes right leg say to the left leg? A. Nothing, they haven't met! Q. A blonde is going to London on a plane. How can you steal her window seat? A. Tell her the seats that are going to London are all in the middle row. Q. Why do blondes wash their hair in the sink? A. Because that's where your supposed to wash vegetables. Q. What's a blondes favorite nursery rhyme? A. Humpme Dumpme Q. Why did the blonde like the car with a sunroof? A. More leg-room! Q. Why don't blondes use vibrators? A. They chip their teeth. Q. How does a blonde like her eggs in the morning? A. Fertilized Q. Why do blondes like tilt steering? A. More headroom Q. Why is a blonde like a doorknob? A. Because everyone gets a turn. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball? A. You can only fit 3 fingers in a bowling ball. Q. What does a screen door and a blonde have in common? A. The more you bang it, the looser it gets! Q. What do you call 20 blondes in a freezer? A. Frosted Flakes Q. What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel? A. An airbag. Q. How can you tell a blonde has had a bad day? A. She has a tampon tucked under her ear and she can't find her pencil. Q. What does the Bermuda Triangle and a blonde have in common? A. They both swallowed a lot of semen. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and an ironing board? A. Its difficult to open the legs on an ironing board. Q. How did the blonde burn her nose? A. Bobbing for chips. Q. What do you call a zit on a blondes ***? A. Brain tumor. Q. Why does a blonde insist on him wearing a condom? A. So she can have a doggie bag for later. Q. How would a blonde punctuate the following: "Fun fun fun worry worry worry" A. Fun period fun period fun no period worry worry worry.... Q. What does a blonde say after multiple orgasms? A. "Way to go team!" Q. What do you call a blonde with a runny nose? A. FULL Q. What happened to the blonde tap dancer? A. She slipped off and fell down the drain. Q. Why did the deaf blonde sit on the newspaper? A. So she could lip read. Q. Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? A. You get to park in the handicap zone. Q. What do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells? A. Pregnant. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a 747? A. Not everyone has been in a 747. Q. What's the difference between butter and a blonde? A. Butter is difficult to spread. Q. What do you do if a blonde throws a grenade at you? A. Pull the pin and throw it back. Q. What do you call it when a blonde dies her hair brunette? A. Artificial intelligence. Q. What do you call a blonde standing on her head? A. A brunette with bad breath. Q. What do blondes and cow poop have in common? A. The older they get, the easier they are to pick up. Q. How does a blond turn on the light after sex? A. She opens the car door. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a mosquito? A. When you smack the mosquito it stops sucking!! Q. What does a blonde say when you ask her what the last two words of the national anthem are? A. Play ball! Q. What do smart blondes and UFO's have in common? A. You always hear about them but never see them. Q. Why did the blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice? A. Cause it said concentrate. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and the Titanic? A. They know how many went down on the Titanic. Q. How can you tell if a blonde has been using your computer? A. The joystick is wet. Q: How can you tell if a blonde's been using the computer? A: There's white-out on the screen. Q. Why do blondes wear underwear? A. To keep their ankles warm. Q. What is a brunette between two blondes? A. An interpreter. Q. What's the difference between a blonde and a brick? A. The brick doesn't follow you home after you lay it. Q. Did you hear about the blonde that needed gas money? A. She sold her car for it... Q. What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? A. "Are you sure it's mine?" Q. Why do blondes have bruised belly buttons? A. Because they have blond boyfriends Q. What do blondes and beer bottles have in common? A. Their both empty from the neck up Q. What do you call a blond with a brain? A. A golden retriever. Q. What do you call a blonde in the closet? A. The 1984 hide and go seek champion. Q. How can you tell that a blonde sent you a fax? A. It has a stamp on it. Q. What do you call a room full of blondes with PMS and yeast infections? A. A wine and cheese party! Q. How do you drown a blonde? A. Put a scratch 'n sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. Q. Hear about the blonde that bought an AM radio? A. It took her a month to figure out she could play it at night too. Q. What did the blonde say when she saw the banana peel on the floor? A. Oh no, I'm going to fall again! A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license. She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys could get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and now today you expect me to show it to you." --------------------------------------... A blonde was driving home after work, and got caught in a really bad hailstorm. Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it to a repair shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun. He told her to just go home and blow into the tailpipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out. So, the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her car's tailpipe. Nothing happened. She blew a little harder, and still nothing happened. Her roommate, another blonde, came home and said, "What are you doing?" The first blonde told her how the repairman had instructed her to blow into the tailpipe in order to get the dents to pop out. Her roommate rolled her eyes and said, ..."HELLLLOOOO!!! You need to roll up the windows."

2016-05-23 07:41:05 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well I am blonde. I have a master's degree in mechanical engineering. A minor in electrical engineering. And a degree in automotive engineering. I am also a certified master mechanic. I also have blue eyes and I am native american.

I am not ugly as well!

So the dude that posted blondes are the dumbest. Dude must be the type of babes you are lookling for. Maybe smart blondes are not attracted to you. There could be a reason for that. Hum wonder why?

There are stupid people and smart people of all types. I won't go into the personal attacks on the male side of the house.

2007-01-10 12:14:20 · answer #3 · answered by desertlady 3 · 1 2

Several decades ago, a young blond in Texas graduated top of her class in law school. Her own father's law firm wouldn't hire her because she was a woman and no matter how smart she was, a woman, certainly not an attractive blond woman, could win in a Texas court. So, she tried to find work everywhere else, but, to no avail. She then appealed to the ACLU for a chance to prove her worth. They said no. She persisted, said she'd work for nothing. So, they threw an impossible case at her, a case no one could win, certainly not right out of law school. She won that case after taking it all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Her name is Sarah Weddington. The case was Roe vs. Wade.

2007-01-10 12:08:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I've met some really dumb blondes. Most of the blondes I know are really stupid. I'm not saying they all are, but some are.

And some blondes on HERE are very stupid.

2007-01-11 08:33:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It's just a stereotype!

Actually, the blond jokes come from Canada (French Canada, I think), where "a blond" is ... a girlfriend. So, at first, jokes about blondes were mysoginist.

So, yes, you can be blond and intelligent. It has nothing to do with your hair colour!!!

2007-01-10 12:08:18 · answer #6 · answered by Offkey 7 · 1 2

A blonde girl was my valedictorian in high school, and she wasn't ugly or anything, she was big on the social scene

2007-01-10 12:08:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

every day!

2007-01-10 13:49:45 · answer #8 · answered by peaches 2 · 0 3

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