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OKay, I have a myspace and I like my layouts for it. They're alright but I want something more, so I started going to this layout site and I, at the time, thought they were the best things to happen to myspace layouts ever! Boy was I wrong!! Turns out now matter how hot you think someone's layouts are there are alwalys going to be layouts that are hotter. I decided to make my own but I'm confused as to how to get started. I know i need some type of program but I'm not sure which one and I know I need brushes which I'm guessing are the same type of brushes you use on paint. I'm not certain all I know is I NEED HELP!!!! Anyone with any idea on what I'm supposed to do please e-mail me at tayjaz28@yahoo.com...It's greatly appreciated. If you do have the kindness in your heart to help me, please label the subject as "LAYOUT HELP" otherwise I won't open it. (I'm afraid of spam) HAHA...(pethetic beleive me, I know) PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!

2007-01-10 10:45:42 · 7 answers · asked by tayjaz28 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

7 answers

Firsty ou need a good program:

then you need to learn html:

And then you need to learn CSS

Then you need to learn to design:
http://www.gimp.org for a good graphics program

2007-01-10 10:58:10 · answer #1 · answered by arus.geo 7 · 0 0

OK 1st you need a graphics program
The 2 best are Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro I use PSP)
it comes witha variety of brushes tubes patterns etc to design your 1st layout or whatever....Then you need a idea what you want to be able to create it. HTML CSS Flash Java all those are all helpful to build a web page or you can just use frontpage.

2007-01-10 11:25:03 · answer #2 · answered by sexykeil1 1 · 0 0

This is called "keeping up with the Joneses" because in a way you always want something better. No matter what you have, somewhere you will see something that you think is even hotter, and even if you had THAT you would see something else that you think is even hotter than that and you would never get to the end of it. A bunch of puppy dogs in wicker baskets might be nice.

It is not necessary to have what you think is the absolute hottest thing because someone will come along and go '...eeeeWWW!"

Just make something you like and are happy with and don't worry about having the "hottest" thing. If you do keep worrying about this, you may end up in a treatment facility in a few years.

I use Photoshop in my work (I do 3d computer animation) and with something like that you can create just about anything you want.

2007-01-10 10:59:07 · answer #3 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 0 1

What are you even asking????
Someone to design the hottest layout in your opinion and give it to you? Nobody is going to look at your myspace layout anyway. Just get a bunch of puppy dogs in wicker baskets or something and call it a day.

2007-01-10 10:59:27 · answer #4 · answered by Nicholas J 7 · 1 1

Dont be afraid of spam. Just dont click on any links or open any enclosures. Just make sure you have IE7 and/or Firefox completely up to date - and run a good antivirus and antispy.

Not pathetic, just careful - of which I applaud you!

2007-01-10 11:15:04 · answer #5 · answered by orlandobillybob 6 · 0 0

get a plan

2007-01-10 10:56:30 · answer #6 · answered by Tia T 1 · 0 0


hah..your a myspace addict! lol

2007-01-10 11:23:20 · answer #7 · answered by chi_south_kid1 1 · 0 0

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