What makes you think that liberals want to change this country into something different? Liberals want to protect the liberties that this country was founded on, not sacrifice them all in the name of some misguided, unfounded, pointless war. We think this is the best country in the world, too, albeit one with a bunch of corrupt idiots in charge of it. It is precisely because we love our country that we want to make sure that those who are elected to execute its laws and protect its freedoms do so.
Incidentally, the facts you cite regarding the economy are skewed. Do you even bother to research economic and business analyses or do you just repeat what you hear? For each "positive" you cite, there is a corresponding negative that has either originated or gotten significantly worse during the Bush administration. Sure, there is lower unemployment, but a much higher number of the so-called employed people are under-employed, underpaid, and are unable to afford health insurance or other basic services than in the past. And the stock market is up, but all that signifies is that the rich are getting richer and are spending their excess money not by investing in new businesses but by investing in speculative interests where they can continue getting richer without having to work. And you'd have to be blind not to notice the huge debt Bush has gotten us into -- the highest of any President ever, and that includes the Democrats. And have you checked gas prices lately? If the economy is still functioning relatively well, it is entirely IN SPITE of Bush's domestic policies.
As far as liberals being behind the Republicans before Saddam was taken out, what are you talking about? We all came together as a nation after 9/11, that is true, but that's hardly the same as saying that we agreed with Bush's motives for going invading Iraq. It's not that we liked Saddam Hussein or anything; we hated the murderous s.o.b. as much as you did, but you can't just go around recklessly invading sovereign nations just because you hate the guy that rules it. So if you're under the false impression that no one spoke out against the invasion when Bush was first planning it, then you obviously have been listening to nothing but FOX NEWS the past five years.
Were there Democratic politicians who voted to approve Bush's invasion? Yes, there were. But don't confuse Democratic politicians with the American people, not even those of us who consider ourselves liberal. Neither side of the political spectrum is immune from corrupt, misguided, or stupid politicians, although it's pretty obvious that the current administration excels at all of the above. Even so, many of the politicians who approved the invasion were lied to by Bush and his cronies (or should I say Cheney and his cronies, which is more accurate?)! Many of them regret that vote now. That said, there was nevertheless tons of dissent from liberals and centrists alike prior to the invasion. We didn't just change our minds simply because Bush and Rumsfeld screwed up things in Iraq so badly, although that's enough of a reason to change the minds of a number of conservatives!
As for your final point about illegal aliens, you are obviously terribly confused. It is Bush who proposed making it legal for Mexicans, Hispanics, and others to work here on a guest worker program, not the liberals. Most of us actually agree that illegal immigration is a problem. We just don't see the point of running around spewing misinformation based on stereotypes like you do. Stop acting like Hispanics are the only people who commit crimes in this country; there's plenty of blame to go around for all the races. And I'm sick to death of this whole "They entered illegally, therefore they are criminals!" nonsense. Because they broke one law that until recently was rarely enforced? If that's the case, then every person who's ever surpassed the speed limit is a criminal, too, and I'm betting that includes you, as well.
Besides, if you want to stop people from crossing over the border illegally, you have to make it undesirable for them to come. How do you do that? You punish companies that hire illegals with huge fines and implement a system that verifies social security identification information when people apply for a job. Until then, you can scream about our country being poisoned from the inside or whatever nonsense you want, but the illegal alien population will not dry up.
Why don't you Conservatives stop whining about things you fear and don't understand and try to actually address the underlying issues that cause all these problems instead of addressing the symptoms with huge, costly "band-aids" that threaten the freedoms of all citizens? Stop thinking in superficial terms "Saddam bad / U.S. good / Therefore everything U.S. government do good, Everything Iraq do bad!" and start working to find solutions to problems that actually address real issues, and preferably without starting civil wars overseas for which the rest of the world holds us responsible or sacrificing the liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, which is, after all, what makes this the best country in the world.
2007-01-10 09:20:58
answer #1
answered by magistra_linguae 6
I truly understand your frustration with the many misguided liberals, and I agree with your basic idea, but your facts are woefully inaccurate.
We have a very low unemployment rate, but it is not record low. Record low would be at least 0.6% lower as we enjoyed 3.9% unemployment briefly in 2000.
Only the Dow has reached a record high. That's 30 stocks. The stock market as a whole is nowhere close to record highs. Yes, it's been doing very well the last 3 years, but it has not reached the high during the height of the dot.com bubble.
Liberals were never 100% behind Republicans. They voted for the Iraq war because it was the expedient thing to do. They did not want to be branded as weak on national security and they knew the fallout of a war gone bad would fall squarely on Bush's shoulders.
2007-01-10 12:28:52
answer #2
answered by Uncle Pennybags 7
1) You're completely biased.
2) You're generalizing about a whole group of people. Pretty typical of a Conservative, though.
3) America is definitely NOT the best country in the world. We're liars, cheaters, greedy, ignorant MORONS who start wars for no reason. That's what America is. And it's all because of Bush. I hope you're happy about that, by the way.
4) The Conservatives make up the most ridiculous excuses for everything they do. But I don't hear you saying anything about that (for example, gay marriage? Yeah, Bush was in support of tolerance at one time, but now has decided to ban them because he was looking for a better approval rating. Again...typical).
5) And in response to something someone said, not all Liberals want God gone from this country. As a Liberal, I feel that God is what this screwed-up country needs most right now.
2007-01-10 09:17:58
answer #3
answered by moonotcow 1
Apparently the majority of the country disagreed with you last November.
This country is being poisoned by petty name calling and constant bickering between political parties. If we could end the bipartisanship separation, we would heal the wounds of this country.
2007-01-10 08:58:45
answer #4
answered by Pitchow! 7
Most 'Liberals' are concerned about the way that 'Conservatives' are changing the country we live in.
2007-01-10 09:03:56
answer #5
answered by toso13 4
Dude, you are so frekin biased,
Its so damn arrogant of you to say that America is the best country.
There are places that are much better for other people. I really disagree with the absurd notion that America is a peace maker, more like War maker.
2007-01-10 09:00:06
answer #6
answered by sur2124 4
You may have the best country- But I've read Paris is the number one city.
2007-01-10 08:59:10
answer #7
answered by d d 1
I couldn't agree more!! They won't be satisfied until they have TOTAL power and remove all forms of Christianity from this nation; legislate immorality; raise our taxes; put animal rights over human rights; etc. etc. etc. They will turn us into a communistic or socialistic state if we let them. Of course, this may not happen if they're allow to "protect" us from terrorists. We'll be bombed quicker than you can say, "Saddam who?" They're make sure terrorists are appeased and treated like royalty while conservative Americas are treated as the enemy. Sincere, and idealistic but wicked, lost, blind guides they are!
2007-01-10 09:06:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I hope you feel better now,just rest a while.
2007-01-10 09:00:40
answer #9
answered by festeringhump 4
Why is it that when liberals want to change things they're traitors, but when conservatives want to change things they're patriots?
Stop your whining.
2007-01-10 08:59:38
answer #10
answered by Johnny K 2