What a bunch of Kool-Aid drinkers you all are.
1. Bush is not fighting terrorists. After all, the men who planned and financed 9/11 (you remember that, right? The single day when 3,000 innocent Americans were slaughtered for no reason) are nowhere to be found, but we sure did make sure Saddam (who, coincidentally enough, put out a contract on Bushie's daddy) was put to death, didn't we? We must have our priorities.
2. "Cut and run" is the most ridiculous accumulation of words you can possibly type. Keep feeding the GOP rhetoric machine by celebrating the death of every American soldier - you're killing them anyway.
2007-01-10 08:40:30
answer #1
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
stop fighting for justice and right in the world.
I think part of the problem is that America in this generation is so prosperous and decadent that most Americans, the younger especially, have never experienced any true hardship. We haven't been without wealth, security, or freedom, and so don't ascribe any value to them, taking them for granted. The people who know what it means to lack those things obviously value them - they flock here in droves to get them, often risking their lives just to enter America.
The rest of it is the secularism and liberalism that comes in part from the affluence I just mentioned. We are embarrassed by our past, because of wrongs real and imagined, and by our traditional values, which are now unfashionable or ignorant to "the enlightened", this incredibly arrogant generation of elitists. Most of all, have cut loose from the moral anchor of the Christianity the nation was founded on and born from, we are morally adrift - relativism calls the shots when it comes to "right and wrong", and a lot of people honestly don't know the difference.
Instead of growing older and wiser, America is regressing into a spoiled teenager- a large segment of the culture thinks it knows everything, without the experience or maturity to make sound judgements, wants everything and doesn't appreciate what it has, exhibits knee-jerk reactions based on emotion or sentimentality rather than reason, and in general has an odd mixture of pride and self hatred - preening and strutting while making self-destructive choices.
2007-01-10 09:52:27
answer #2
answered by johnjohn_9_21_03 2
Back down to comply with "public opinion", whilst getting a "favor" from Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.
2007-01-10 08:32:41
answer #3
answered by #1 "Abuela" 4
i don't understand i could help a Dem president the comparable as a Rep president I comprehend the President and help the President no remember who or what party The President merits the help of human beings in case you compromise or not with them they are nevertheless the President does not mean I would desire to lock step with them in simple terms help them simply by fact the President
2016-10-30 13:42:07
answer #4
answered by ? 4
you know,president Bush has had a lot to deal with,i don't agree with everything he does,but i believe under the circumstances,he has done a good job.however,if he gives amnesty to illegal aliens,he will lose my support!!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-10 11:05:08
answer #5
answered by schflng 2
I do not agree with everything George Bush has done. I agree with his assessment that defeat is not an option. I stand by this statement!
2007-01-10 08:26:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Agree with the Defeatacrats/Demoncraps
2007-01-10 08:24:39
answer #7
answered by bob b 3
Back down to the cowards who are in control of the house and senate.
2007-01-10 08:25:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Cut and run. Cave to terrorists.
2007-01-10 08:25:52
answer #9
answered by Jadis 6
Pay too much attention to the Democrats.
2007-01-10 08:25:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous