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by first computing
∑ f(x) ∆x and then taking the limit as n→∞

2007-01-10 07:34:38 · 2 answers · asked by Georgette W 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

2 answers

So, just do it, start with n=2 because there are only 2 rectangles under the curve between 1 and 3.

(1^2 + 3)*1 + (2^2+3)*1 = 11

As n->infinity it is unlimited. I'm not sure that is really what is is asking. It should be asking as delta x goes to 0. You want to integrate between 1 and 3. You end up with:

(x^3)/3 + 3x

= (9 + 9) - (1/3 + 3) = 14 2/3

2007-01-10 07:50:05 · answer #1 · answered by sspade30 5 · 0 0

solving the integral you get
evaluating it in 3 and 1
you get 44/3

2007-01-10 07:50:07 · answer #2 · answered by ENA 2 · 0 0

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