Don't let her watch him again until she follows your rules. Its your child and she is hurting him.
If your husband will not back you up, ask her to come to the pediatritian with you. You can let your doc know ahead of time what the issues were so that he or she can work them in to the conversations as "reminders" for you- which she will hear and it should back you up. a good pediatritan will do this for you- if yours won;t get a new one!
You are the mom and you do know what's best for your child!
Best Wishes!
2007-01-10 07:29:27
answer #1
answered by jettyspagetti 4
I would definitely talk to her. this baby is YOURS not hers, and it is probably your mother-in-laws fault your husband has bad allergies! they do have vicks rub for babies, if she has to use it buy that kind and tell her to use that- steal her normal kind if you have to. For the wiping with just a pee diaper- that shouldn't be any problems, i don't with my son and he has NEVER had a diaper rash or any problems and it saves a bundle on wipes, but again if it bothers you tell her! Tell her if she cannot watch him under your rules than you don't feel comfortable leaving him with her! Especially the juice problem- that is so bad for your baby!! unhealthy gums and too much sugar- that should at least concern your husband too- if he doesn't take any action either- then DON'T LET HER WATCH HIM!! i know she may think your mean, but as the baby's mother your job is to protect him at all costs. don't put your baby in a bad situation because you don't want to anger someone. IT'S YOUR BABY!! do what you need to aviod that bad situation! Good Luck and be strong in your cases!
2007-01-10 07:33:49
answer #2
answered by lynn 5
Get a backbone lady. This woman is being mean to you she is not respecting what you say as this babies mother. You tell your mother in law that she either abides by your wishes or she will not be watching the baby anymore. That is not mean. That is your job and responsibility as a protect your baby! If you cant protect your baby because you are afraid that you are coming accross as mean then that is not a very positive thing at tell your mil to smarten up or forget watching the baby. My grandma in law is the same way..has her own way of doing things and wants more then anything to have my four month old baby stay the night...I dont care if i seem mean by not letting that happen and not letting her babysit....I want whats best for my daughter and I want to keep her safe because she is number one. You need to do the same.
2007-01-10 13:21:57
answer #3
answered by jennyve25 4
well, i know that not wiping girls can cause a yeast infection, so it cant be good for boys either. As for not getting mean...maybe that's what u need to do ..u are his mother and if she isn't going to listen to u and doing things the way u want them done then she is not going to get the privilege of taking care of her grandson and that's just the way it is...that's what i tell people. Remember it is your child...and by the way Apple juice will constipate your baby, especially at only 2 months....Good Luck and remember all u have to do is put your foot down once and they will know u mean business...u know what is best for your child.
2007-01-10 07:41:01
answer #4
answered by eyesopen16 3
If you mother-in-law is not willing to abide by your rules then she should NOT be allowed to watch the child unsupervised until she is. She must allow YOU to be the parent and raise your child as YOU wish. She is asserting herself in an inappropriate way and you have to put your foot down NOW and set the precedent that YOU are the mother and YOU are in charge. Looks like you will have to do it yourself and be the "bad guy" since your husband is being such a doormat to his mother. It will be tough but you must stick to your guns on this, or she will be stepping in for the rest of your life.
Good luck!
P.S. And give that lily-livered, yellow-bellied so-called husband of yours a kick in the @ss for not supporting you and standing behind you as he should.
2007-01-10 08:07:32
answer #5
answered by LindaLou 7
Show her something showing that juice isn't recommended until 6+ months of age. And put your foot down about wipes, etc. It's your baby and if your husband won't help, the take them both on. You're right and your baby needs you to explain to her.
2007-01-10 07:29:02
answer #6
answered by Kiss My Shaz 7
If you think it's mean then don't say anything and let her do what she wants. Then, when your child is spanked by a caretaker or is fed something they are allergic to, don't say anything either. It's mean. Wait until your child wants to stick their hand on a hot stove. If you say no, then that will be considered "mean" to your child.
You are the mother and protector of your baby. You can find a kind and firm way to get your wishes across to her. If she gets offended, then that's her problem.
2007-01-10 07:40:30
answer #7
answered by mrs1101 3
You need to stand up and set some boundaries with this woman. I had the same problem with my mother in law not doing as i asked with my kid, and my husband wouldnt say a word to her. Finally i gave up and told him that if he didnt set her straight, then i would. So he did talk to her, thankfully. Because she wouldnt have liked what i had to say. But, basically, you need to tell your mother in law, that this is YOUR baby, and if she can't respect your wishes, then she cant watch her anymore period. Its very disrespectful that she isnt listening to you anyways, and if your husband doesnt like it, he can go live with his mom, and she can baby him. LOL just dont be afraid to stick up for what you know is right...this is your child.
2007-01-10 07:30:52
answer #8
answered by Stephanie 3
Sorry about the mother in law. Stand up for your child because they are to little to do it themselves. It is not her choice as to what is the child's care and if this is causing problems for your child then she is obviously not the right person to watch over this vulnerable baby. If your husband has a problem with this then you may need to have your doctor talk to him and remind him of his allergies.
2007-01-10 07:37:34
answer #9
answered by kalbri3 2
LOL, welcome to marriage with kids! It's completely normal for mother in laws not to listen! Especially the moms of sons I have noticed. My mother in law does everything I tell her not to with our daughter. She feeds her whatever, doesn't give her naps, gave her soda and regular milk (which my husband and I decided not to use with our daughter but she decided the milk tasted better!). I finally told my husband talk to her or I'm done and wouldn't be stepping foot into her house (with our daughter) again. He finally broke down and talked to her. Now she just cuts me down whenever she can about EVERYTHING from my daughter's clothes (she thinks all girls should be in pink dresses everyday so HATES my daughter's little old navy jeans and gap sweaters of course!) to my cooking for my husband and everything in between. BUT at least she does what she is told with our daughter. Good Luck!
2007-01-10 07:42:11
answer #10
answered by angie_laffin927 4