I think it should do auto spell check when you click preview...
2007-01-10 09:17:52
answer #1
answered by DishclothDiaries 7
I agree about the "worst answer" thing, and spell check, it gets difficult to understand sometimes. I have to say, that the removal of points, would indeed make this very competitive. So, I vote no on that, but yes to the worst answer.
How about the porn answers? I cannot understand how a question on romantic evenings, had anything to do with what that girl answered with. I was embarrassed 5 words into her "essay", and I'm no prude.
2007-01-11 03:11:44
answer #2
answered by ne_art1 2
No, I don't think so. It would get too personal, too competitive. If you don't like the answers give them a thumbs down. Even if you don't find some of the dumb answers helpful, they amuse some people. I like some of the bad answers, they make me laugh. If someone crosses the line then report them.
2007-01-10 12:25:02
answer #3
answered by Wendi lu who 4
Yes i do because i asked a very decent question and i got a very dumb answer. The question was what would help me get better grades and someone very rude said drop out it is not worth it, it is fun living from paycheck to paycheck, and that was not a good way to build my self confidence.Please email me back with your thoughts on that.
2007-01-10 06:39:20
answer #4
answered by Rachel 2
Definitely. While we're at it, they should let us remove bad answers from our questions. I've asked one question, and some jerk took it as an opportunity to go off on me about another answer I'd posted. It really irked me that other people had to look at it (not to mention the fact that I had to).
2007-01-11 11:48:13
answer #5
answered by spunk113 7
i imagine the numbers 5 and six must be switched round because preserving hands is somehwat an illustration of love and hugging might want to be carried out with information from 2 acquaintances. Mine border line might want to be between the hug and then the preserving hands one...
2016-12-02 02:27:52
answer #6
answered by ? 3
That would probably keep people from posting smart-*** answers. I think it's a good idea.
2007-01-10 06:53:48
answer #7
answered by Krissy 1
And can we make people use spell check? It is amazing how my fellow Americans can't spell.
2007-01-10 08:23:07
answer #8
answered by question_everything 3
I also think we should be able to rate peoples questions.
2007-01-10 06:15:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That's true... (rate my comment as best!) =P
They should also let us rate the stupidest or the people we hate most on this
2007-01-10 06:15:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous