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Hi I live in a rented property...i pay my rent to a management company, who then are directed by the Landlord, when it comes to repairs etc etc..
The Landlord is often abroad, and at times cannot be reached, so the management company often stall when it comes to me needing a repair (like i do at the moment),and often when they cant get in touch with him, they dont inform me...or forget about the repair..!!! not good..!!

any advice, anybody in the same situation..???


2007-01-09 21:13:29 · 5 answers · asked by michael h 2 in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

5 answers

I agree with the above participant, but you need to do more than have it notarized you need to prove that the management company received it, so ensure you send it registered with receipt return.

You also didn't say where you live, look into the local landlord tenant laws and see what sort of recourse you and what obligation they are not meeting. Some repairs are given more time, but they should be able to get urgent repairs done right away. Sounds like the management company is at fault as well.

Specify in the letter that you need to be kept informed on the status of repairs, including receipt of your requests for repairs, inclulding but not limited to a plan of action and timely compliance with your requests. Document everything.

Just seeing that your documenting everything and asking for them to put everything to you in writing may be enough for them to get their rear in gear. Keep track of all contact and requests in a notebook, document who you spoke to and when for any phone communication. You can also send a letter to them after phone calls confirming what was said.

For example... This letter is written to confirm our conversation on _______________ I spoke with ______________ in regards to the repairs needed for ______________. You stated it would be done by _______________.

Good luck!

2007-01-09 21:30:32 · answer #1 · answered by Wicked Good 6 · 1 0


2016-07-19 02:58:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

hi Amy. you extremely do have a project there, which i'm sorry to take heed to about. There are issues that you may do. i'll come back to those in a second, in spite of the undeniable fact that the first ingredient that i might want to point is that you ask your self a question - do you extremely pick to stay there and positioned up with the aggro that would come from workout consultation your rights? regrettably, it sounds as although there is a few, as your modern landlord isn't between the various respectable ones that i comprehend are accessible. Is the hostel extremely undesirable? Do the Council in consumer-friendly words intend this to be a non everlasting ingredient till they locate you some thing more effective useful? in the experience that they have got not made this sparkling, please ask them. Now, what are you able to do. nicely, the first ingredient that you may do is to get the rat project regarded into. contact the Environmental well being place of work on the Council. the information will be on the web web site and also you may also have the capacity to contact them direct by way of the web web site. there's a charge yet in case you communicate about the information, the bill could go on your landlord. next, you've what are commonplace as disrepair issues. the owner has a duty to keep issues in ideal condition because of section 11 of the owner & Tenant Act 1985. It appears like he's failing. That being so, contact between the "no win no fee" criminal professional companies that publicize on television or whose information might want to be modern in telephone e book. they are going to rub their hands with glee at some thing like this as they receives a helpful fee (payable by way of your landlord) for finding out your project for you. they is often able to help with the numerous different concerns, too. good success with it.

2016-12-28 14:42:30 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Write a formal letter and have it notarized saying that you can and will withhold a portion of the rent money if the repairs are not made to your property within X number of days (no less than 30 days). You need to have it notarized because if you take them to court or they take you you have proof that you have warning and ample time. You have rights as a renter. Find out what applies for your state.

2007-01-09 21:24:05 · answer #4 · answered by drew2376 3 · 2 0

Rent To Own Home : http://RentToOwnHome.uzaev.com/?hYBi

2016-07-12 04:53:08 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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