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2007-01-09 21:04:52 · 18 answers · asked by Jerryfish 1 in Sports Swimming & Diving

18 answers

Their are three anti-fog options:
-regular hand/dish soap

I have found that diluted dish soap works the best, and is what the diveshop I dive out of uses. Just put a little drop in your goggles and rub around then rinse out, (it works great!) <3

2007-01-10 12:32:38 · answer #1 · answered by surfcomtesse 4 · 0 0

oh god! That happened to me all the time when I used to swim.

Well, here's the thing. You've got to be willing to fork out a little more on new, good goggles. The better ones tend to be the ones that look like a tinted colour on the outside and you can't see through it from the outside. Yikes, it sounds crazy...sigh. Okay, the kind that competitive swimmers use?

Those are the best. However, the thing is that no matter how good a pair you get, eventually the fog will come. The better the goggles are, the longer they last without the fog.

2007-01-09 21:13:38 · answer #2 · answered by Chocolate Strawberries. 4 · 0 0

First of all, buy a decent pair of goggles.

Second of all, you can buy anti-fog stuff at your local sports store. However, they are a rip off... The two best anti-fog products are easily available.

1) Put a drop of shampoo in your goggles once in a while (every 1-2 months). Rince after.
2) Spit in your goggles before you start swimming. Rince and after, you're good to go.

This remedy will cost you about 1 cent per month and works really well

Best of luck.

2007-01-10 05:41:00 · answer #3 · answered by Boomer 2 · 0 0

Before a race, rinse out your goggles with water, and nike, for example, has goggles specifically designed for a fog-free swim.

2007-01-10 13:52:59 · answer #4 · answered by octennis3790 2 · 0 0

Find a small container and mix baby shampoo and water together at a mixture of 50/50. The baby shampoo won't irritate your eyes like other shampoos. Use a couple drops each time you swim, rub it in, and do a quick rinse. I've been doing this for over a year and I'm always fog free.

2007-01-10 08:42:11 · answer #5 · answered by Rob 2 · 0 0

ANTI FOG is the answer to foggy goggles. Its pretty much been a life saver for me. I use it all the time. all you have to do is spray a single spray in each lense, wipe it out,and then when you get ready to get in the water, splash some water in the lenses. don't wipe the water tho! just put the goggles on and your good to go.

2007-01-10 08:05:22 · answer #6 · answered by howellgirl54 2 · 0 0

New goggles should be thoroughly (a minute or two) scrubbed with toothpaste. Then when you get in the water spit & rub the goggles and briefly dip them in the water. There are defogging solutions available in sport stores, but at least for diving goggles I have not found them to be too effective.

2016-05-23 02:54:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Speedo sells FOG FREE goggles and they work :)

2007-01-11 23:30:37 · answer #8 · answered by >--Trace---> 3 · 0 0

Spit! Or now you can buy anti fog spray but be really carefull cause if you don't wash it all out and it gets in your eyes it burns! Try speedo

2007-01-13 01:08:16 · answer #9 · answered by swimmingwiz 2 · 0 0

Get any new pair of speedo, they usually have anti-fog. Also, don't put them on your head when you are kicking and stuff, because that will fog them.

2007-01-09 23:04:02 · answer #10 · answered by cowsvils 3 · 0 0

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