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“What is an equation.

What is the degree of equation and relationship between degree and roots of equation? Relationship between the coefficients and roots.

Types of equations and any five methods (brief description)to solve these equations?”

2007-01-09 17:51:11 · 1 answers · asked by nizam_cl 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

1 answers

an equation is a statement relating one or more variables to a target variable.

the degree of an equation is the highest order variable eg
y = 1 is zero degre
y= 2x +1 is first degree coza x is to the power of 1
y = 3x(squared) + 2x +1 is a second degree coz x is to power of 2

roots are reloated to the coefficents. there are always the same number of roots as the order of the equation
zero order has no roots, fist order has one root 2nd order has 2 roots.... 4th order has 4 roots

not all roots are real some are imaginary. dont worry about what this means. if u have to ask this question, it doesnt matter.

2007-01-09 18:03:00 · answer #1 · answered by Andrew S 2 · 0 0

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