Don't trust everyone and make choice than you can regret. If you wash it daily you should never expect problems. It is not gross or
abnormal to have a foreskin, it is more abnormal to doesn't have one. Some women's love it, some don't. It is not a reason to be circumcised just to be liked by a woman. Think twice before done it.
2007-01-09 17:14:39
answer #1
answered by Simon.©™ 7
Your parents are pretty smart actually. Outside of religious reasons and medical necessity, the circumcision decision should be yours alone since it's your body. Believe it or not, there are some who resent their parents for making that decision for them. You can't get it done right now without your parents' permission, but once you turn 18 it's all up to you. It'll probably cost a few hundred dollars or so, I don't know.
If one of your reasons for wanting to get circumcised is because you think/hear that girls think it's gross and whatnot, then know that most girls probably don't care (at least not so much so as to reject you solely on that). Also, know that about 80% of the world's male population is uncircumcised, and thus the majority of the world's women either don't care or prefer it that way. If you want to get circumcised because your foreskin is causing you personal problems (like it's too tight/narrow, it gets repeatedly and frequently irritated/infected) then you really may want to consider it.
I've never had any problems with my foreskin - no smell, no smegma, no irritation/infection, etc. I personally don't intend on getting circumcised (unless medically needed) and honestly, I wouldn't want to stick with a girl who'd reject me solely on that (it's really shallow). Wait a few years, stick it out; you might find someone who'll love every part of you, foreskin and all. Until then, don't dwell on what others think and say, there are more important things.
2007-01-09 17:24:36
answer #2
answered by trebla_5 6
Your penis is not through growing yet ! You will have to wait til your full grown, like 21 years of age. Then get it done. I am to uncircumsized and I can't stand it either. I'm also 15 and wanting to have sex and a good relationship with a girl too !
2007-01-09 14:26:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Actually a lot of women prefer natural penises to cut ones. But most will not have such a strong preference that they would not be your girlfriend for that reason. Any girl who would reject you because you are intact or because you are cut is so shallow she isn't worth thinking about.
Look, you're 15. Every 15-year-old is unhappy with his body! But if you have yourself mutilated now, it's forever - you can't put it back when you're older and more accepting of what nature gave you. Wait. In a couple of years you'll find out how much fun foreskin is! Mmmmmmm. It's fun for the girls to play with, too.
Read what someone who had it done says:;_ylt=AsLZw.JoXOzsnm793sS7Ixzsy6IX?qid=20070101193846AA385UM&show=7#profile-info-fb8a1b49d382006d635917de9dc08b3baa
2007-01-09 15:06:47
answer #4
answered by Maple 7
Oh Man! Forget what the heck some girls say on here or anywhere else. And the Jews do the circumcisions to start with Dude. But you don't have to be Jewish to be circumcised.
Many women like men with hoods, there's lots of them out there and their growing in numbers as you breathe. Some girls don't like it like they don't like spiders or Asparagus, or dark haired guys or red hair guys, small penises, or big penises. or curved penises, or hairy balls, or shaved balls, or guys who wear slaggy jeans. Big deal man. Everybody has their preferences, and you shouldn't alter your body based on what some opinionated girls you'll likely never meet (much less screw) in your lifetime (and may find you wouldn't want to) dictate what you do or don;t do to your penis. What if you meet a girl of your dreams and she likes the hood, and you don;t have one then. What then? You can't keep it and sew it on later. Once it's gone, it's GONE for good. There's no going back. What's next? You gonna alter your nose when somebody says they don't like your kind?
Be thankful what you got, at least you have one to make a choice over having or not having when you're a grown man. It's not a prison sentence. It's a privillage for a lot of men that some men have hoods. Many men didn't have the thoughtful parents to give them that choice like yours did, and that's stupid. A lot of men out there wish they had a foreskin, but don't, and can't get one.
Sure, adults have their hoods wacked off by choice just like babies get theirs wacked off by no choice. But it hurts like heck I hear, especially when healing which takes a while, like when you get an erection in the middle of the night (and you will, many many times before it's healed at 15), I hear is so painful it's beyond having the ability to cry. Sometimes too, the doc takes off too much and you end up with a painful erection cuz there isn't enough skin there to let your penis grow full, and it pulls the skin too tight, and hurrts, some men especially coming. Why put yourself through that risk and suffering at your age, and maybe come to regret it later in life, when you don;t have to for some girls you dont even know??
Everybody's different, Dude. Don't let it dictate your life. Just be yourself, and be proud of what you got. There's somebody for everybody, and you may well be surprised to find a lot of girls don't mind the skin, or even like it a lot. If you don'; think so later on, then go for the knife.
2007-01-09 18:57:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you want to GO FOT IT!!!!!
Well as someone who was circumcized at age 28 - the answer is if you want to be circumcized - go for it man.
You will not lose any drive
Benefits are
No smegma {hot day I'd get a buildup of smegma}
No smell {I used to get smells only 1/2 an hour after washing underneath my foreskin}
Enjoy both handjobs & headjobs more as my penis head isn't moist from sensitivity.
My ex girlfriend thought I felt bigger we only reasoned this coz of the less skin
My ex & I had both been reluctant that I be circed coz all the males in both families had their foreskins
My ex AFTER I was circed definitely gave me oral a LOT more.
My EX said if she ever had sons they WOULD be circumcised.
I can now pee straight without the foreskin get in the way.
I now have NO pubes between the foreskin making me play with myself.
I have more intense orgasms much to MY surprise.
Oh yeah afterwards it didn't hurt THAT badly. I had sex approx 5 weeks later after the op.
My only regret was not getting it done tighter as there is a bit of loose skin on the side.
My only other regret is not getting it done earlier.
Look I didn't get my son circed coz 90% of Australian boys are not done nowdays but if I lived in Canada, the U.S, Middle East, Korea or Israel he certainly would've got done. I think the locker rom argument is an important one. I remembered I once got teased at primary school for NOT being circed as 90% WERE circumcised in the 60's & 70's.
If my son wants to get circed as he is older then I'll encourage him.
As I said earlier I only got circed reluctantly for medical reasons and if I had've read the anti -circ CRAP on the net there is no way I would've been done coz I wouldn't have known better.
I've written on this subject so many times coz I am totally against the scaremongering that goes on from the Anti -circ movement. It is rubbish. Male Circumcision is NOT mutilation unlike Female circumcision.
To all the males who've hung up's Re: mutilation - GET OVER IT being circed ain't THAT BAD in fact it has mostly benefits - enjoy your circumcized penis. our parents in making their decisions were only doing what they thought was best for you. So get over it & get a life.
To all the people who've got their foreskins if YOU WANT to be circumcised GO FOR IT - In my experience there has been NO downside. Hey I am NOT going to preach to you if you are happy with your foreskin - then certainly keep it. Why chop off something you are happy with????? Even I was pretty happy but due to an infection I HAD to be circed.
Now I've been circumcised for over ten years I personally think I prefer it being circed.
so that is my answer from someone who has experience of both ways
2007-01-09 14:29:11
answer #6
answered by Chris L 2
I chose to be circumcised as an adult and there's nothing to it! It was one of the best things that I have ever done and I wouldn't have a foreskin again for anything. Circumcised men enjoy better hygiene, comfort, appearance to women, self-esteem and both they and their female partners have FAR better sex ual sensation during intercourse.There are no disadvantages, so do not listen to those crusaders who tell you that circumcision is bad - they are mostly either young inexperienced women (like "Maple") or uncircumcised men, so none of them can know the real benefits of circumcision.Those girls who tell you that foreskins are gross are right! Go and see your doctor and ask him to refer you to a urologist for circumcision - you will never regret it. All men should be circumcised. Good luck.
2007-01-10 03:53:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If it is really bothering you. Perhaps, you should talk to your parents and then make an appointment to see the peditrician. He/she could make an recommendation wether you should have it done?
Is it against your religion or it is a preferable ethinic that you parents did not get you circumcise at birth?
2007-01-09 14:07:45
answer #8
answered by solitude 2
i am 60 and got circumised 6 years ago because of diabeties. i would give any thing to have my foreskin back sex is so much better with it. never had a girl turn me down for sex because of it. it is not gross just bath every day. i am so grateful my parents did not get me circumised when a child think hard and talk to your family doctor or a urolgosit before you have it done you dont have any problem masterbating do you think hard you may live to regret having it done
2007-01-09 14:16:53
answer #9
answered by johdis 2
Adults can get it done... According to insurance companies its cosmetic and not life threatning, so they don't cover it. The longer you wait the more it will HURT and the longer it seems to take to heal. I'd bring it up to your parents, regardless of how squirrley it'll feel to talk to them about it. Maybe it'll be covered under insurance somehow since your are still a minor living at home. Otherwise..Start saving your money now.
2007-01-09 14:17:36
answer #10
answered by Psycomagnet 3