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34 answers

Building a house. heard the first crash on Mancow, then heard of the other one a short while later. I can't print what I was thinking because of community guide lines. Still po'd to this day!

2007-01-09 13:34:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I was at my moms when it happend on the computer when I saw people in the chat room start talking about something being on the major news channels ect and that the towers have been hit ect... So I turned on the news and watched as the events happend. The only thing I can remember thinking is that wow this wont be good for our country. I didnt really understand at that time how a gov could possibly be behind such an act but now that I know more about history and the US gov im not so sure it wasnt. But at the time I thought it was terrorist like alot of people. I was at the time still against war for any reason so I did not support what has been happening sense and still do not.

2007-01-09 14:11:03 · answer #2 · answered by magpiesmn 6 · 0 0

My sister in law called to ask me if we could see the smoke. We are too far away, but we turned on the TV in time to see the building come down. And then the next one. I felt absolute panic since my sister lives a few blocks from there. As I watched them run from the collapse I remember thinking that this looked like one of those Japanese monster movies from the sixties. But it was real, and as that sunk in, I got a bit faint and my husband got me some brandy which burned going down, but put an end to the faint. It was such a beautiful day, bright blue skies and warm, but what I remember most clearly was the quiet in the skies and streets as everyone was glued to the TV. It would be quiet for days. I wouldn't be able to get in touch with my sister for four days, she was fine, but her apartment was covered with fine white dust. When it became apparent that this was a deliberate attack I was furious that this could have been allowed as we were supposed to have hijack proof doors on the cockpits, but they delayed their installation because the airlines said it would cost too much. It looked like not installing them cost us much more.

2007-01-09 13:49:35 · answer #3 · answered by justa 7 · 1 0

At college - upstate NY, in the shower when the first plane hit. Heard about it when I got out and was glued to the tv with everyone in my house. I watched as the towers collapased. I lived with a girl that had worked in one of the towers for her internship and had friends from that job. It was a horrible day. I remember the entire day, even the outfit I wore. The crowds of people in the campus center watching tv. Classes were cancelled for a couple days, going to a NY school, a lot of people had friends and family working in the city.
I wish I could have been home with my family. I couldn't even get thrw to them for a majority of the day because phone lines were so busy.
A day i will never forget.

2007-01-09 13:37:34 · answer #4 · answered by strtat2 5 · 2 1

I was working in E.R at the hospital here in Alaska .Iremember thinking god no, And felt such disbelief, shock,and sad for the ones that there loved ones that were in that ordeal.Medical wise thinking my god all those people and everyone haveiing to treat them that must have been hell to.Follow me you ask yes i think everyone to some points but for me it made me relize we here in the U.S.A. will never be as safe as we once thought we were.It let us see that any nut job of a group can come in any time i think it opened our eyes.We use to think no one could get us and how safe we were it makes you think that these nut jobs if they want to do somthing so evil they will go to ends to hurt inocent people any time any where. To them its a honor to die crazy i think .No that day ii thought of how scarie, the hurt people must have felt how utter mad the make shift medical ares and hospitals were it makes me sick.Ithink of wifes without there husbans children growing up with out a mother or father babys born and not ever given the chance to know there mother or father for why i say its all very sad we need to keep our eyes open 4-ever now or get bilnd sided . Isay we should never forget to forget is to let all those people die for no reason and so many words say they never were.

2007-01-09 13:55:10 · answer #5 · answered by sherryvklly 1 · 1 0

I was out duck hunting. And I got back to the truck just AFTER the first plane hit. I thought it was some kind of joke, cause I had been up for close to 24 hours. Then on the way home the second plane hit, So I sped home to find out what was going on. I couldn't belive what was happening. I was horrified at the things that were going on.

2007-01-09 13:47:08 · answer #6 · answered by Maxwell Smart(ypants) 7 · 2 0

I was stationed up in Washington state (Army). We had just began our morning workout. About 15 min. into our morning routine the first plane hit the first tower. We were all called into our unit day room to watch the scene unfold on tv. Less than five minutes later what seemed to have been a horrible accident was now clearly intentional as the second tower was struck. I remember thinking to myself " we're going to war"... We still didn't know who had done it or why, but I knew nothing would be the same again.

2007-01-09 13:38:11 · answer #7 · answered by Marco R 4 · 3 1

In a chemistry class, another professor came in, whispered in our professor's ear, he turned and clicked on the TV. I thought it was an action movie we were watching at first, then when I saw it was real, I couldn't hardly believe it. I left class and didn't return to school that day. My girlfriend and I got some gas (we feared a huge gas price hike) and then came home and watched the news the rest of the night, speechless

2007-01-09 14:03:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can't ever forget September 11, 2001, I was in Marine Corps boot camp. My platoon was on the rifle range that week and our drill instructors had us march into our squad bay and broke the news. At first, we thought it was a cruel joke, but quickly realized it wasn't. The worst part was our senior drill instructor. We weren't marching to her satisfaction so she said that we were selfish and we didn't care about the people who had died in the attacks. A horrible thing to say because a few of the girls had lost family members in the twin towers.

2007-01-09 13:36:28 · answer #9 · answered by PinkBrain 4 · 4 1

I was teaching DARE to a bunch of 5th graders and thinking, is somebody going to attack the school we are in? The whole staff was freaking out, and I for one was glad to have a gun on me because we didn't know if this was the end or what?
We kept the kids calm as we could and pondered what this meant for our country.
I volunteered to work as a police officer ( I took vacation from my department to go) after the Timothy McVeigh terrorism incident in Oklahoma City, guarding the outer perimeter and I thought this was as bad as it gets. I couldn't believe that tragedy had occurred and believe me as bad as it was, it was nothing compared to 9/11.
So, be sad, remember our fellow human beings who died, and never let your guard down, because the terrorists aren't giving up.

2007-01-09 13:43:59 · answer #10 · answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5 · 2 1

That is one day I will never forget. I was driving over to my friend's house and when I got to her house she was watching the news and the second plane had just crashed into the towers. She started telling me what was going on and I just started crying. I literally thought it was going to be the end of the world. I called my mom, my sister and all of my friends to see if they had heard the news and told all of them I loved them. I felt so bad for the families that had lost loved ones in the attack. I was so scared. I didn't sleep at all that night. It was horrible. I always think about it and wonder what the terrorists are going to do next. I worry about our men and women fighting over there and their families. I always pray for their safety and the safety of our country. Every year on 9-11 I drive with my headlights on in remembrance.

2007-01-09 13:37:52 · answer #11 · answered by T.K. 3 · 2 1

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