ok so me and this boy sat at the same lunch table last year and we were always flirting w/ each other all the time and i knew he lked me but was waitin 4 him 2 ask me out, so this year he wont tlk 2 me at school! lke i'll go up to him but he'll just get this smile on his face and walk away and my friend tlked 2 him online and he said tht 4 him 2 tlk 2 me i have 2 go up 2 him but i always do but he doesnt respond!! anyway my friend also told me 2day cause shes in the same math class w/ him tht ppl always tease him bout me and say stuff "you still lke her!" and tht he'll get all aggresive and yell "no i dont!" lke if he doesnt y would he get all aggresive or care tht they're makin fun of him! do u guys thnk a part of him still lkes me?????? no dumb answers or i WILLL report u!
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