If you have got your first paycheck, you don't need the answer to this question.
You have many things to consider, about getting a place to live and learning how to deal with life,
Investing is good to start early, but you have to learn a lot of stuff not to get burned, Like in my opinion, the North American markets are at high valuations, so the chance of making a good return in the near future are not good.. My advice, Start saving your money, somewhere safe, When you have enough money
to make a GOOD DOWNPAYMENT (at least 25% of selling price) buy a place to live...Then work hard to pay it off as fast as you can, Interest rates suck a lot of money out of you over time.
Except for your domocile...STAY OUT OF DEBT !!! When you have a domocile and are out of debt, take the amount of money you have been paying on your domocile and invest it,,,,Get a financial advisor to assess your investment profile, your risk assessment, and goals etc.
Remember, the best life, is one in which you generate the most options...Never back yourself into a corner, and Debt is the worst corner.
2007-01-09 14:56:12
answer #2
answered by bob shark 7