Kill it and slow roast it. Serve with Barbecue sauce. Everyone else has made the effort. Quit the whining, speak proper English, put down the chicken wings and malt liquor, believe in yourself instead of an NBA player, marry the girl and pull your d*mn trousers up! You won't need the help of Affirmative Action; because you will be standing like a man and not bowing like a field hand on Uncle Sam's Plantation. Do it, my Brother! You insult the memory of those who came before you if expect the playing field to be slanted for you. This is the land of "milk and honey"...but you do have to milk the cow and shoo away the bees!
2007-01-09 12:41:52
answer #1
answered by Finn 2
Did any of you scholars ever looked at the statistics of the
black kids that finished college. Did you happen to notice
that most all of them entered the work force and became
working class citizens contributing to the tax system, producing
offspring that also attended college thus ending the perpetual
problems with generations of welfare not to include the tax
burden and crime statistics that often promote formation of
more ghettos in our society. Have you not noticed that more
blacks are home buyer's today than years ago. I suppose that
you are too intelligent to notice that two of our top government
officials in the Bush administration were African Americans. It's
time to stop and reflect that the world is filled with a large nu;mber
of dumb lazy white people just as anyone else. You all have
an entitlement attitude that you should be first for anything that
is worthy. If you recall it wasn't long ago that blacks couldn't
participate in professional sports. Are you afraid that giving
everyone a fair chance would end the so called WHITE affirmative action plan which evolved from your right to entitlement attitude.
2007-01-09 20:39:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I had someone tell me that the only reason I got into the college I attend now is because I'm black. I refuse to believe that because I know for a fact that my academic record in high school was better than about 80% of the white people that go to school here. And I'm sick of people thinking that affirmative action is racist against white people.
"n the U.S., the most prominent form of affirmative action centers on access to education, particularly admission to universities and other forms of tertiary instruction. Race, ethnicity, native language, social class, geographical origin, parental attendance of the university in question (legacy admissions), and/or gender are often taken into account when assessing the meaning of an applicant's grades and test scores"
So basically everyone except for rich white males benefit from affirmative action, and even they can benefit because they tend to go to the schools that their parents attented (legacy admissions).
Oh, and "the blacks never made such an effort"?
Does centuries of slavery and an additional century of ridiculous, blatant, outright discrimination qualify as us "never making such an effort"??? Last time I checked, the Irish, Italians, Polish, and Chinese were not slaves nor were they ever slaves during their time in the US, and didn't face anything NEAR the level of discrimination that African Americans did and STILL are.
So next time you want to call my race lazy, ask yourself what you and your race ever did to achieve the status you have now. Oh that's right, you marched all over everybody else. God, people are so ignorant.
2007-01-09 20:36:44
answer #3
answered by mpress7 2
Well in many ways it's good and in many ways it's everything else...there are those who need it, and there are those who abuse it and don't deserve to benefit from it whatsoever as they are just a bunch of lazy asses, and trust me, having worked for the government and seen much of affirmative action in the 20 years I spent there...for the most part it just taught people that our government is stupid and to use them and milk them for all they could.
Mind you there were many good people who would never have gotten to the impressive levels they did, and accomplished the great things they did. I know I accomplished a lot in the years I was there, but then motherhood took me out of that and now I get job, no support, I work harder than I ever did, and I am entitled to nothing for the decades I spent raising decent kids who will hopefully be productive human beings in this world...there is no affirmative action for the aging I can tell you that much, and that is really sad, because many (and I dare say women, stay at home moms actually) do so much more for this world than most human beings could ever come to imagine. If we could all get a job tomorrow, you would be suprised at what we could accomplish for all the experience we have gained.
So take that as you will....affirmative action isn't only for blacks....everybody deserves equality and fairness...unfortunately blacks are still the poorest in the USA aren't they? And as such, would you rather have them be a liability to society or a productive part of it? That is the whole purpose of affirmative action, to bring equality and opportunities to those who might never have a us SAHM's....*S* It's our turn now no?
2007-01-09 20:28:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I was going to say "kill it" but some of the whining saying that only black people have ever been victimized, made me realise that there are still a lot of black people who are in dire need of an education.
For the record:
The Chinese suffered greatly under Britain and Japan.
The Polish had to live under brutal communist rule.
Irish people were slaves in all but name for 800 years under the British.
So quit your whining until another 500 years have passed. By then you might actually know what slavery and oppression mean.
2007-01-09 20:48:19
answer #5
answered by chaotic_n_cryptic 3
Blacks never made such an effort? Thats a pretty harsh statement. I dont agree with your logic, but I do believe affirmative action has gone to far. The monster was created to protect one race, now its actually harming other races.
2007-01-09 20:28:04
answer #6
answered by salinger 4
Kill it. I think that it is insulting. Affirmative action tells minorities that we as society feel that we have to MAKE people give them preferential treatment because of their skin color or sex.
The job/position should be given to the person who is the most qualified and suited to the job...not the person with the darkest skin color. I think that affirmative action is racist, sexist and degrading.
2007-01-10 03:09:44
answer #7
answered by Susanne W. 2
. YOU said it!! They came here. The African A American were Brought here. By the way don't believe every thing you read. I know personally many blacks who are doing very well . What's your excuse? Please read some black history.I don't expect to get the ten points The two will do just to educate you.Don't forget all the blacks who were turned down because of the color of their skin that were more than qualified Let's not forget. We must try to be fair.
2007-01-09 20:28:57
answer #8
answered by Sugar 7
Affirmative action will never end. It will be the victory that one race takes on another. In a racial struggle the winner gains the advantage through affirmative action.
2007-01-10 02:25:35
answer #9
answered by Frank Nxonkizi 1
Kill it! C'mon someone can get the job, the school, the loan over a more qualified applicant because at one point they were the minority!? Guess what, they populate like roaches and we're just about out numbered.
If we keep it...let's flip it to the people being punished for something they weren't even alive to affect!
2007-01-09 20:25:12
answer #10
answered by lexmaar 1