Okay, try steaming your eyebrows with hot water and a cloth... then dap a dry towel over your eye brow and try tweezing the hair out.
Sometimes there will be hairs that will not be able to come out because the hair is too short to pull out. When you said the "hair slips" that is normal, just for a smooth hair that usually is fine textured. The best way to tweeze your eye brows are the following:
(prevent bacteria) use gentle astringent on eye brows where you plan on tweezing- then dab dry.
-When tweezing your eyebrow's pull the skin taunt, this will prevent the hair from moving because the cuticle will be pulled to a still position.
-When tweezing try to pull in the same direction, if it slips then try pulling the hair while the skin is pulled taunt by your other hand and pull the hair in the Opposite direction of its growth.
-(if hair persist to be stubburn try steaming the eye brow, this will open the cuticle up- or open the skin so it is easier to pull the hair out)
When tweezing just remember not to tweeze so your eyebrows are a direct line. The eyebrows should start right where the inside of your eye begins. For the ending of your eye brow or the "corner" make sure it does not go all the day down to the side of your face. I'm sure you take good care of them, but I have seen many people have so many issues with their eye brows. Also tip to women: the arch of the eye brow is typically when looking straight into the mirror is starts right over the corner of the color of your eye or the pupil of the eye.
(hope this helps!!!)
2007-01-09 12:01:39
answer #1
answered by CJ 2
I even tried this, and I'm 11 yrs old1!!! theres a box of these things called, Hair Off ,Instant Eyebrow Shapers, there lik stickers for your eyebrows. gently put on the Shapers on the deep root hair spot, and QUICKLY pull it off, it only hurts 4 like, 5 seconds, might pull a nerve and make u cry 4 a second, but itl b ok!!! _- }
2007-01-09 11:55:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You can do it after you take a shower since the pores are more open and the hairs come out easily.
OR you can buy a tweezerman tweezer, I swear its the best tweezer ever its never failed me, it catches and pulls out everything even if its a hair i just shaved in the morning.
2007-01-09 11:49:39
answer #3
answered by snip 2
you need to buy better tweezers. And the best place to pluck your eyebrows is in your car using your rearview mirror. You can see every hair that's not right!
2007-01-09 12:21:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You pluck a chicken, you tweeze your eyebrows. LOL! Just Kidding. For real girl, you need to lok into getting your brows WAXED. I swear by it!
2007-01-09 11:51:10
answer #5
answered by One and ONLY 1
they do sell better tweezers
I've seen adds in magazines for them
google it?
but if your looking for an easy way to do things just get a wax or a mini trimmer
I have a trimmer and I really like it - no pain
2007-01-09 11:52:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
wax them its way better, or treeze them out after having a shower
2007-01-09 11:57:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well from my persective I wud say don't bother with plucking ur eyebrows it's just to much trouble you should get them waxed it's less painless and they don't grow back as fast
2007-01-09 11:53:45
answer #8
answered by Janelle 2
ow...anywayz u can look in the mall or yellow pages. some ppl work for that lol. or take a scissor and cut them xD
2007-01-09 11:49:34
answer #9
answered by jas l 2
try iceing them down and then plucking them
2007-01-09 12:11:13
answer #10
answered by cosmo26 2