leave a pen and a piece of paper somewhere with the phrase "talk to me" written on it. It might help.
2007-01-09 09:38:16
answer #1
answered by Conseption 2
Once again it is the calling of one person to stand against the crowd and be called a fool. Spirits do exist, we do live on after this life. It does not just end. Also, there are forces of light and darkness that are ever-present and have influence on our mortal, physical world. Good spirits do have occasion to visit our realm every so often, but their visits are only brief. They come simply to deliver a message, strengthen a loved one, or teach a principle. One may have several experiences with such a spirit such as a guardian angel or something of the like. But they will never linger in a place and cause disruptions like you have described friend Mark. These dark spirits are full of nothing but lies and deception. They can change their appearance or behavior to make you believe they are harmless, but they are like having an open barrel of radioactive waste in your living room. You cannot see it, or taste it, or smell it, but slowly it is poisoning your body and ruining your flesh. If a guardian angle, or good spirit is with you every activity they do is very precise and has a direct purpose. They do not "play around" like dark spirits. You would be wise, friend Mark, to rid yourself of this presence at once.
2016-05-22 23:55:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I hope that you are never able to contact them for there is no such thing as a friendly ghost...... I can say this because only fallen angels, (Demons) Can make themselves known.... And regular ghost don't know that they are being seen. Also regular ghost are not able to have their voices heard or recorded. Only demons have the power to have their voices recorded or to be able to be seen in pictures... These are know facts and anyone that believes different have a lot of research ahead of them but in some special cases regular ghost can communicat thru telepathy but again only under very special circumstances .............................................
2007-01-09 11:47:33
answer #3
answered by kilroymaster 7
I too have felt a friendly presence in my home. I found that I get a "warm" feeling that envelopes me if I find a sunny bright place and sit quietly with everything turned off. Occasionally I feel that I am having a "conversation", but I'm still not sure if that is a real feeling or not. Good luck.
2007-01-09 09:44:35
answer #4
answered by Just curious 1
That would depend on where you live. You could call TAPS (their out of WARWICK,RI...NOT Philly) or if you live in the centeral Florida area you can log on to my groups web site. Other than that,just leave some sort of audio recording device recording and just ask them to speak to you and leave the room. You might get something!!
2007-01-09 09:51:11
answer #5
answered by paulbearer666200 2
have u tried an ouiji board? or holding a seance might help
2007-01-09 09:38:20
answer #6
answered by lili 2
You can call TAPS, based out of philly.
2007-01-09 09:37:49
answer #7
answered by Brandy 4
Pay attention, if they want to get in touch, they will.
2007-01-09 09:56:43
answer #8
answered by gerrifriend 6
just talk to them
2007-01-09 09:39:36
answer #9
answered by BRAINY SKEETA ® 6