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Hi, I am an asian women with fair skin, unfortunately i had achne when i was in my teens and i have dark marks on my face. When ever i go to a beautician to do my foundation, they always give me a dark foundation color on to cover up my marks.
But when i wear a skirt, it looks silly cause i have fair legs and a dark face.
Does anybody know a light brand and color foundation that will cover up my marks and won't make them look grey or ashy.
Really need your help, thanks!

2007-01-09 07:29:52 · 8 answers · asked by Nisha 1 in Beauty & Style Makeup

8 answers

I have fare skin as well and over the years have not been able to get a light enough Ivory foundation. I dont like liquid foundation but I have started using it sparingly and it is actually the right color foundation for its name. Of all the brands I have used their Ivory, the lightest color they have, has been darker then what it should be. It's weird.

So, first to cover to dark spots, I use a skinny tube of concealer named, Maybelline New York EverFresh Concealer (COLOR is Fair). I use a cuetip and smooth out a dot of concealer on each spot that is much more noticeable than the others. ( you dont want you skin to look flawless completely, makles you look fake) The concealer on each dark spot really helps when convered by a little foundation.

Then, I use L'Oreal Paris True Match super-blendable makeup (COLOR is Soft Ivory). This comes in liquid and is in a small glass bottle. I use a brush and dab on some foundation, small amounts, onto my cheek bones, nose bridge, and right above the middle of my eyebrows (not the entire forehead). Also a little bit on the chin.

I found that using a good brush, more flat than plump, does the job than a sponge.

Now, I am so happy with the colors I have finally found. It looks as if I do not even have on makeup.

Good Luck!

2007-01-09 07:55:52 · answer #1 · answered by Momma Bear 2 · 1 0

Try Diorskin Fluide foundation in ivory (shade 100) in combination with Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage SC-1 (comes with two shades in it; use the lighter of the two or both shades mixed together applied with a concealer brush).

2007-01-09 08:00:16 · answer #2 · answered by pingponggirl 3 · 1 1

Try using Dermablend or get your foundation made. If you want to go that route I think Prescriptives does it. Also Shisedo makes excellent foundation for Asian women.

2007-01-09 07:36:10 · answer #3 · answered by Kier22_2 6 · 1 0

visit Cliniques information superhighway web site (all their products are heady fragrance loose & no longer examined on animals). seem below foundations & seem for an oil loose one or one for mix pores and skin. in case you are able to't locate one which you imagine is sweet for you (formula or colour) click on their on line chat function & they have very knowledgeable experts that can help you you locate the striking product/colour. you also get many "freebies" from them even as ordering on line. those goof balls with the disgusting 10 layers of make up on on the counters do not comprehend what their speaking about for my section & i exploit to artwork for Lancome, they're all basically those that they %. off the streets & they don't often comprehend sh*t about what product/coloration is sweet for you, no longer with very few hours preparation & Clinique is low-priced.

2016-12-28 13:13:39 · answer #4 · answered by koizumi 2 · 0 0

go for cover girl smoothers...or estee lauder any light color would do it. but jadore is always the best

2007-01-10 17:44:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ivory shade any brand.

2007-01-09 07:36:49 · answer #6 · answered by Shayna 6 · 0 1


2007-01-12 04:58:46 · answer #7 · answered by le233@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 1


2007-01-10 04:36:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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