Would it be a slip or an intentional drunk or hit? The fact that your even considering the possibility is good that you admit and recognize this. If there is some form of support system available in your area then I would suggest that you use them for your own best interest. Being sober for a number of 24 hour periods myself I can identify with you when you say that last year wasn't the greatest. But try not to live in the past and live for today (as I'm sure that your aware of how to live One Day At A Time). Remember also that Yesterday is a canceled cheque, Tomorrow is a promisary note, and Today is cash. Therefore there is nothing we can do about our yesterdays or tomorrows as we just have today. So do the best for just this one day. I'm also pretty sure that you have witnessed others who have given up their sobriety, whatever kind it may be, and saw the effects which are not pretty. Some of us are not lucky enough to live through another drunk/hit, so please be careful. If the meds you were taking were not helping then if possible speak with your health care professional and tell them. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and so we have to learn to recognize this. I am not trying to advocate that I am any type of substance abuse counselor or anything but merely giving my opinion so please keep an open mind. I hope that your today is better than yesterday and that all the days you have coming to you bring you health, wealth and happiness in addition to continued sobriety. Best of luck and if you can speak with someone please do so. May 2007 be the best year of your life.
2007-01-09 06:35:12
answer #1
answered by crazylegs 7
I've sober 7 years, and read significantly on addiction. The first year of clean and sober is the hardest, most fail in the 9-12 month period, it just seems to be a magic number.
The brooding and thinking about the old haunts is normal, they come in waves and at times the wave can seem overpowering. These are the times you need a friend, an activity, something else to do, the alone time when no one is watching can be the killer.
Consider significant changes in your life, get involved in something where you will meet new people, staying clean and sober is more about lifestyle change and recovery than just staying off drugs or alcohol, it's the difference between "sober" and "recovery"
You stopped counceling and now are re-visiting old wounds, perhaps the counceling was helping, return if nessesary but remember staying clean and sober MUST be the number one priority for several years, it's different for everyone but after a few years you CAN live day to day without it nagging at you. At the end of the day, do WHATEVER it takes to not use. Go to AA or NA meetings if you must, I found however that changing almost everything about the way I used to live was nessesary
You will get to a point where you don't even turn your head to the old haunts, the key is staying sober/clean long enough to re-program yourself. If it means dumping old friends and making new ones is that worth your happyness and sobriety? YES, the answer is yes.
Good luck
2007-01-09 06:34:31
answer #2
answered by Tim H 3
Why did you abandon the meetings and meds? Were they working? Did they have unpleasant side-effects? Why are you torturing yourself by "driving past the old haunts"? Why are you setting yourself up like that? Is it because that's all you know or all you feel comfortable with?
You ask how to avoid an almost certain relapse. The answer is change, and that's something only you can do for you. I suspect that's why you ditched the pills and appointments. If they're effective, what they (drugs and doctors/therapists) provide is some relief from the internal stuff that haunts you. It is to be hoped, then, that you would be able to lift yourself out of the situations that compromise your quality of life, and that means making changes in attitude, behavior, and more.
Does that make any sense to you? No-one said it would be easy. Few worthwhile things come easy. Remember that, OK?
2007-01-09 06:30:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I hear you, I myself has had a bad 06 and havent started 07 so well either. I also have been hospitalized twice for wanting to kill myself. I was told I am bi-polar, I get really,REALLY mad and violent at times and other times I get really depressed. I also have gone off my meds and feel better, but you can not stop seeing your doctor!! I see my doctor he knows that I dont want to take my meds and as long as I call him or have a safe contact when I need them. He is ok with that. But really you need to see a doctor talk to someone that knows what your going through. Going back in..... dont do it!! You have to start all over, leave it in the past and live for NOW today this moment. Not for tomorrow but for the now... you cant change the past. Let it go. The future can not be seen, let it be. Live for now, the only thing you are in control of.
You will be in my prayers.....
God is there for you....just ask for his hand.
2007-01-09 06:33:48
answer #4
answered by ohdarnitsmeagain 3
Do you really want to throw your life away or sink even further into the darkness? If you find something to occupy your time and your mind, it will help a lot with eliminating the desire to go back to old habits or addictions. Get into a program where you have a sponsor that you can call when you are feeling this way. This way you have a person that has been where you have been and understands what it takes to not fall back in.
2007-01-09 06:23:07
answer #5
answered by wanderingphotographer 3
Go back to the counseling and the meds. Whats wrong with you??? Thats the only way you're gonna get past whatever is haunting you. Stop living in the past, let those wounds heal.
2007-01-09 06:22:26
answer #6
answered by madtyga2002 4
I wish I knew a way to help you, I get depressed sometimes and I just think this isnt all there is to life. Theres so much more to do and see and u only live once, things will change for u. I look forward to seeing my future even when I wonder what could possibly be in it. I'm 23 years old and I've already been through alot. Stay strong.
2007-01-09 06:25:57
answer #7
answered by Sarah 2
look in the mirror everymorning saying something positive about yourself. Every night right about your day, your urges, you hopes and dreams or what ever comes to mind. Reading at any time does great. Excircising helps the mind overcome its hardest problems, and if you push yourself a little everytime you work out you will be benifiting your mental and physical health. Just think before you do things. Ask yourself the questions "Do I really need this? tell yourself your stronger than your urges.
2007-01-09 06:23:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you find yourself slipping why do you drive past the old haunts. Come by my haunts and you shall definitely stop slipping into that dark place where lurks the evil of men.
2007-01-09 06:22:55
answer #9
answered by Big C 6
Don't turn to people on the internet. Turn to people in your family or your friend group. Tell them what's happening. Be sure to remember that social relationships are different than professional ones though, so if they arent supportive seek professional help. No matter how many times you fall, it is ALWAYS worth getting back up.
2007-01-09 06:23:52
answer #10
answered by Brian 2