It is not his fantasy but his actual desire which he is telling you. You are right no normal wife will compete such a fantasy or desire of her husband. Why don’t you tell him that you are also having such a fantasy that you are doing sex with other men & he is just sitting watching you & note his reactions, if he protests tell him that this is how you also felt when he told you his fantasies? Such husbands should be taught lesson in their language only.
2007-01-09 18:44:06
answer #1
answered by bisexualmale s 6
A fantasy is just that, a fantasy!!! Get over yourself and the fact that you are living out the social conditioning you were exposed to as a developing child, adolescent and young adult!
Are you really competing with a fantasy? If you feel you are, there is something wrong with your self-esteem and self image! do you ever fantasize? Would you like to have sex with Brad Pitt or any other media 'hunk'? There you go! You see, you have fantasies too! Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill and jeopardize your marriage for something so puerile!
2007-01-09 06:06:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No woman can compete with a fantasy, which is why it is a fantasy! So don't try! Men will ALWAYS think about sex, both with you and ANY other woman he meets, sees, or creates in his mind. The only thing you can do is try to DO the things he fantasizes about. Men are wired differently and you will NEVER change that...EVER. And the only men who don't fantasize about women are fantasizing about men.
2007-01-09 06:25:20
answer #3
answered by extra_37 4
Fantasy only becomes abnormal when it involves abusing someone - you, or your partner in the fantasy. Submission fantasies are actually quite common. If you trust your partner not to take undue advantage of the situation, they are also one of the easier ones to indulge as well. Just agree on a safeword ahead of time, so you can tell him 'no, don't' when you really mean 'for god's sake yes!' all you want... and still be able to tell him to stop if he starts going too far.
2016-05-22 23:18:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Finding a guy who DOESN'T think about sex and women frequently is a fantasy. Good luck with that.
My wife knows I do. At first it bothered her, but then when she realized that she did not need to compete with a fantasy she was OK.
2007-01-09 06:05:05
answer #5
answered by fucose_man 5
You do not have any fantasies? Something that u know you would never feel confident doing it in real life. Then give him that liberty. That's no reason for leaving! Atleast, he is sharing it with you, because he trusts you. He is not asking you to compete, you are competing with it! Relax. it's ok and absolutely normal.
2007-01-11 06:18:56
answer #6
answered by Khoku 1
Katrina are you a blonde? Well you sure as hell think like one. You are thinking of leaving him because he was honest enough to tell you that he frequently fantasizes about sex and other women! You must be crazy
2007-01-10 06:30:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well instead of thinking about leaving him why can't you sit and talk to him about this. Everybody has a fantasy some are outspoken in those terms some are not. Be happy your husband has talked about it rather than implementing it.
2007-01-09 06:33:29
answer #8
answered by Bacti 3
It changes from person to person. Your question itself is indicative of the fact that you can accommodate any amount of fantasy with your spouse provided that you are in his fantasies.... and not so, if he comforts himself on you with fantasies of other women in mind. Is it not? After-all for fantasies, you may not go for separation. Instead you settle the scores by going reverse, for fun, by saying that you too have fantasies of certain type involving handsomes. Or simply compromise treating the act as mere biological and not emotional.Best of l(f)uck.
2007-01-09 06:13:42
answer #9
answered by leonardo 2
first off, men think about sex about every 7 seconds (look it up) so you are not going to change that. secondly, why are you trying to compete with a fantasy? fantasy is designed to enhance your love and sex life. thirdly, if you want him to stop it, then started telling him your fantasies about other guys and see what happens.
2007-01-09 06:06:42
answer #10
answered by billnrhonda 3