Paying your bills on time for one. Patience as the repair will take time. Don't incure any new debt. Get with the people who are reporting negative history for you and work out a deal on paying them back.
There is no quick fix company out there that is going to do more than you can. You just have to negotiate with the bad debts and stick with your agreements and committments.
2007-01-09 05:02:35
answer #1
answered by Joe S 6
The best credit repair is self help. You can resolve your credit woes on your own by learning more about how credit works and then taking the necessary actions to fix or improve things.
Most people don't know the simplest of things to keep their credit score high, or improve a low score.
It's really quite simple, and makes 100% sense once you read about it. Always avoid credit counseling because the very use of such as service lowers your credit score and makes you untouchable to other lenders under the credit counseling contract.
Learn about credit at
2007-01-09 05:02:03
answer #2
answered by Todd S 3
I use to have very bad credit, this is what i did. A friend suggested using, Its an info web site you do have to pay like 15 bucks in order to access there 295 pages of info but its worth it. They walk you thourgh the steps in order to rebuild your credit. I got my first credit card in about a month. Oh and by the way there no such thing as someone els repairing your credit for you, they are all gimicks.
2007-01-11 20:40:44
answer #3
answered by Riley 1
Depending where you live, a prepaid - secured - Visa or Mastercard may help :
2007-01-12 20:50:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous