In the Spider-Man comic books, "Mary Jane" played by Kirsten Dunst, was not Peter Parker's first love interest, Gwen Stacey was. The Green Goblin had kidnapped Gwen, and taken her to a bridge. This scene in the comic books was used in the first Spider-man film, where the Green Goblin kidnapped Mary jane instead.
However, in the comic book, Gwen fared a bit worse than Mary Jane did in the movies. In the comic book, The Green Goblin drops Gwen Stacey from the bridge. Spider-man tries to save her with his webbing, but the force of gravity, along with velocity, causes Gwen's back to snap when Spider-Man's webbing stops her fall. Gwen dies.
However, the movies are a bit different. With Kirsten Dunst leaving the series, a new love interest must be introduced for Peter Parker. Enter Gwen Stacey. The role of Gwen will be played by Bryce Dallas Howard, red-headed daughter of Ron Howard, and star of "the Village." Bryce had dyed her hair blond for the role.
2007-01-09 07:21:48
answer #1
answered by aNiSh 3
If you mean the new one out in May, it's Gwen Stacy, Peter's first girlfriend in the comics. For the first two movies, it was Mary Jane.
2007-01-09 04:43:57
answer #3
answered by tzens2000 1