Liberals are progressive, looking for new ways to solve problems. Liberals believe in civil rights and personal freedoms, and believe that the Government should do more for the people. Liberals also believe that corporations should be regulated more to protect the masses from potentially harmful situations (economic, environmental, and otherwise).
Conservatives are regressive, as in using the policies of the past to work towards a better future. Conservative do not believe the Government needs to do as much for the citizenry. Conservatives also believe that business should be unregulated.
Most of the rhetoric tossed around is just that, and not based on reality. Many would say Liberals are weak on defense, yet forget that Liberals were in charge and won in several military administrations. Conservatives will sometimes say that they are the only ones to fight for freedom, yet also will lobby for a state religion or the adition of religious beliefs into the law, which for the non-believer of their faith is tyrany. Some liberals accuse all conservaitves of bing anti-education, but in reality the conservative is anti-paying for education.
The reality of the differences is based in fiscal policy. The how to pay for things, and the what we should pay for. Liberals are on the big government side and conservatives are on the small government side. The truth would be that we need both. The best ideas are ones that come from the middle or are ones that get worked out through cooperation, and debate.
2007-01-09 03:30:01
answer #1
answered by vertical732 4
A liberal and a conservative walk down the street and come upon a homeless man. The Conservative take $5 from his pocket and tells the man to come see him to get a job. The Liberal takes $10 from the conservative's pocket and tells the man where to file for benefits. Seriously the liberal feels the government can be an agent of social change and the government has a responsibility to fund social actions. The conservative is pretty much happy with the way things are and places emphasis on personal responsibility and less government intervention.
2016-05-22 22:50:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A "Liberal" generally supports the idea of a BIGGER government and redistribution of the economic wealth...they will generally make everyone's taxes higher to supprt this bigger government.
They will also tend to favor a more socialistic based agenda and tend to take funding away from things like national security and defense in favor of projects for the poor.
A "Conservative" wants a smaller government, beleiving the free market can run itself more effectively for everyone with LESS government involvement....generally giving tax cuts to EVERYONE in an effort for ALL to benefit. They tend to favor a more defense oriented budget, and fund accordingly. They believe in the power of the individual more than that of the government as an overseer.
And I'm sure there will be MANY differing opinions here.
2007-01-09 03:31:30
answer #3
answered by bradxschuman 6
Conservatives generally agree to traditional/classic values
Liberals- like to change traditional to new and modern values
I am a moderate and have a little of both under my beliefs.
2007-01-09 03:36:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Liberal : Cares about the difference between right and wrong. Cares for all of humanity.
Conservative: Let the end justify the means. I'm the only one in the world that matters. Screw everyone else.
2007-01-09 03:38:38
answer #5
answered by Count Acumen 5
Flat out, they're names, names that outside the US have no validity, whatsoever. They mean nothing, period.
2007-01-09 03:47:18
answer #6
answered by Huey Freeman 5
A Liberal wants to save the world by spending the Conservative's money.
2007-01-09 03:25:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Liberal - wants more individual freedoms, more government control, weaker military
Conservative - defines wrong and right, wants a stronger military, less government
2007-01-09 03:24:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Liberal-those who want to take from the rich and give to the poor so that all americans live at the same level (can you say communism).
Conservative-those who believe it is up to the individual to become as great, or as poor, as their abilities allow.
When you are young and stupid, you vote with your heart (liberal), when you are older and wise, you vote with your head (conservative).
2007-01-09 03:29:20
answer #9
answered by bigbro3006 3
Definition of the terms:
Conservative: lobbies to keep the status quo
Liberal: lobbies for change of the status quo
Conservative: small national government, more power to the states
Liberal: large national government, take power away from the states
Conservative: for traditional established values
Liberal: looks to revise these values
... oh and liberals eat baby kittens
2007-01-09 03:28:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous