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The download is complete but when I click finish, its supposed to put an icon on my desktop which it didn't do.

2007-01-09 02:35:28 · 4 answers · asked by SteelJazz 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

4 answers

Go into your start menu and find it in your programmes you should be able to launch it from there.

2007-01-09 02:42:39 · answer #1 · answered by joe t 2 · 0 0

All I can say is search your computer for the file that runs the game. WoW launch or something like that. And just incase you dont know pick a low population non pvp server. This will make it better on you to get the full feel of the game in 10days...well unless you want a chance of someone killing you alot.


You cant download a full version of the game...it would not do anything. You would still need a account and time on it to play. The 10-day trial is the full game (if I remember correctly) but you need a account...that comes with you buying the game.

2007-01-09 02:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by deathfromace 5 · 0 0

Go to Walmart and get the 14 day trial for 1.99. It has all the features. The 10 day trial will not let you send mail or use the AH.

2007-01-09 03:19:08 · answer #3 · answered by allnamesaretakentryagain 3 · 0 0

downoad the full version for free...!!
i always do tat..no viruses no spyware..full version..no problem!

2007-01-09 02:45:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anubhav~~!! 3 · 0 0

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