Are there aliens? Probably. If intelligent life happened on Earth, it can happen elsewhere.
However, it's probably rare enough that we'll never see them here. The Universe is just too spread out and thin. The next star system is 4.2 light years away. That's a very long distance. If you had a rocket that could go a million miles per hour, it would still take over 2814 years to get there.
2007-01-09 01:36:29
answer #1
answered by nondescript 7
Lets start with Art. Prior to the Christian incursion 550 AD there were murals all over the middle east and Europe with men in flying craft painted into them. The further back we go the more we find.
Art imitates life.
Lets go back to the Original Hebrew texts and as close to the original ten commandments as we can get( those stones got lost).
Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and do all your work. 10But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. 11For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it.
"or the alien resident in your towns." (I don't much think they were talking about someone from another town as the bible mentions towns in plural.)
Ok escaping the biblical reference lets look for evidence in the arcane.
Writings have been found back as far as 1500 bc about Alien visiters and outworlders that came here for a look see. There are a few that complain about the aliens taking earth wives.
Looking around the web today we see more material than leaves on a willow about alien abduction or encounters or sightings. Now we are not seeing people that are just simpletons sighting aliens or encountering them. We see pilots and astronauts, cosmonauts and other believable people.
Oddly enough the only people that refuse the information or try to cover up information is the Government.
There are so many planets and so many solar systems that to count our own as the only one with life,is silly.
There are Meteorites that have created a huge amount of scientific controversy. Alien microbes, being the source.
Are there aliens?
Lets now leap back to the Elden. The people that wrote the guiding texts of my faith. They often speak of Outworlders. and name some by civilization. One named in the texts is Yahweh. I know it sounds nuts, but it's there.
Today we hear no proof either way. we get a lot of speculation and even more propaganda. Lets be honest. There is a bunch of missing links between us and apes or us and lizards.
There are sciences that have no explanation that existed before the dark ages 530 to 1370 ad. Things that seem to have been impossible for the times. The Sumerian technologies Babylon batteries. As more archeology is done and more things are found those that are not hidden swiftly gather a lot of intrigue.
well. I don't know for sure if there are aliens or were aliens. There sure is a great deal of evidence.
2007-01-09 12:57:39
answer #2
answered by tian_mon 3
Anything is possible. The debate lies in the probability. Mathematically speaking, it's virtually impossible for there to not be life on other planets. As to why I believe? My answer is simple, there is too much evidence that points to the possibility. Even the possibility that we've been visited before with ancient cultures. I really don't think that it's coincidence that almost all hieroglyphs indicate humanoid peoples that apparently come from the sky. Also, it seems a bit coincidental that the predominant fixture for said ancient societies is a pyramid. These are just a few thoughts. Hope it helps.
2007-01-09 12:44:30
answer #3
answered by mike w 4
It was due to reoccurring experiences that can not be easily explained during the first 20 yrs of my life that had put me on a quest in search of the others. Iam 50 now and have came to a conclusion that through my investigations,in reading of other incidents and history of the topic,interviews,countless other encounters,sleepless nights,governmental cover ups of truth,lies,deception...It was like hunting a cottontail through the Brier bushes. then disclosure came from a government official confirming suspicions that this planet is,has,and continues to play host to civilizations from elsewhere. It is a matter of National security,we can not stop them from coming here. Governments would rather not tell the truth to the people in fear of reaction to religious beliefs and the fact that little deals are worked out amongst the aliens in exchange for technology we need and human specimens the others need. most species of Alien are benevolent some are not,some aliens are here to help protect from the non-benevolent. to answer your question.....yes.
2007-01-09 11:03:04
answer #4
answered by BONES 4
I think it's most likely that there are aliens out there. Each of those points light in the night sky are either our closest neighbor planets or they are stars. How many of these stars have planets? I think there is a good probability that some of them have life - of some sort - on them... and this is just the little part of the universe that we can see from earth.
Here's an interesting article.
2007-01-09 09:43:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think it is the issue that you can't prove a negative. In other words since the possibility of other life forms exist, and we can't prove that they are not there, people want to believe. Even devout Christians such as C.S. Lewis believed strongly about the possibility of them. It is hard to imagine in some ways that in a universe this large we are the only living planet. I personally keep an open mind about the subject.
2007-01-09 09:39:28
answer #6
answered by Boilerfan 5
Well Karl Sagan seemed to think it is a likely hood the truth is that the odds actually favor their existence it is not so far fetched when you consider that there are more stars out in the universe than there are grains of sand on earth and that's stars not the solar systems they are part of kind of mind bending huh?
2007-01-09 09:41:31
answer #7
answered by crawler 4
What you don't know is still debatable. Since we do not know if there's life elsewhere, we can say that it is possible, but that does not mean there is. But it is possible. Think how insignificant earth is in the whole of the universe. People sometimes say that there's just got to be another "earth" out there. Most things aren't off-the-wall, one-shot deals, but they often repeat themselves. So there may be another planet with life out there.
2007-01-09 09:37:38
answer #8
answered by Benvenuto 7
Based on probability - I wouldnt call it a 'belief' its just that since there are so many billions and billions of planets in the Universe it seems somehow unlikely that life was able to develop on only one. You could look up the Drake equation to see how scientists attack the problem or the SETI project.
2007-01-09 09:37:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Firstly, I don't have an answer to proove or disproove whether there are any aliens but I personally believe there are........and why do people believe in them? I don't really know for sure but I personally like the thought that it's a possibility.........I only hope that noone will hurt or mistreat them as they seem to do to one another. Anyway, all things are possible aren't they??
2007-01-13 01:23:06
answer #10
answered by frogfat_froggy 1