Once a cheater..always a cheater....Never say never!
2007-01-09 01:15:55
answer #1
answered by justwonderingwhatever 5
People say once a cheater always a cheater because they don't know what it means for that person to cheat. Cheating is by far not right. People need to understand the definition of what the word conjures up in a relationship or marriage. There are many reasons that lead up to a person cheating. Ultimately, there is a such thing as forgiveness but forgetting. Cheating goes a long way.
2007-01-09 09:35:31
answer #2
answered by Ab 2
The saying is not absolute. Some people need to live on the edge or want to see how long they can get away with it. These people are the players in the dating world then if they get married become cheaters. Some people fail due to some low point of their relationship. Some people just know that the relationship is dead but don't know how to end it. Others find themselves in a dysfunctional relationship and tried everything to save the marriage. I think that if the relationship is balance and happy then there wouldn't be cheaters. But with the divorce rates over 50% something is wrong with the system.
2007-01-09 10:19:26
answer #3
answered by chancesare45 4
People say this because human beings are creatures of habit and if someone has cheated once odds are they will be more inclined to do it again.Kind off like history repeating itself.Its a generalization but it often rings true for irresponsible and selfish people which are large in numbers.In your case you probably grew up and matured.Many cheaters though have a certain mind set though that does not change!Its hard to change how a person thinks!Plus person has to want to change and many just dont care.
2007-01-09 09:20:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because cheating shows a basic lack of character and the inability to keep promises. Cheating is a clue as to a person's underlying makeup - they're selfish and self-serving and will do anything THEY want to do regardless of who it might hurt or what might happen.
I would stand by that statement that once a cheater always a cheater. I hate to be hard-hearted, but I think that if and when you get bored or unhappy with your new husband you would cheat because you think that you deserve happiness and satisfaction and if you're not getting it from him............
Just seen it happen too often. There are two kinds of people - those who cheat and those who just couldn't.
2007-01-09 10:12:36
answer #5
answered by Dovie 5
Well, it's true to some extent, cause you have it in you to cheat, but if you know it's wrong and you didn't like the experience of cheating, then you won't do it again. I have cheated before but I never would again cause I hated the feeling. If you are like that, then don't worry. Cheaters only cheat again cause they have no remorse for what they did. You and I just made a mistake, that's all.
2007-01-09 09:18:09
answer #6
answered by L 3
i believe that once people cheat that they will cheat again. maybe not always a cheater though.
the fact that someone cheated before means that they did not give themselves or there partner enough thought to break up before they got off with some one else. i dont understand it. if i felt the urge to cheat i would know that the relationship was over and i would break up with my b/f. if a person cheats they dont even give you enought thought to break up with you. i think it has to do with the persons basic belief systems and morals. you said that you have cheated on boyfriends before obviously because you felt the relationship was over and just got off with someone else without breaking up with them first. you didnt think that it was a big deal and was not immoral in your eyes.
however now that you are married the situation has changed. the marraige part of things means that, to you, cheating has become immoral and something that you would not do.
your beliefs system says that it is ok to cheat on boyfs but not husbands. if you were single you would not be able to be as sure. so you must be able to agree that once a cheater that they are likely to cheat again. until, like in your case, situations change.
so not ALWAYS but OFTEN...lol
2007-01-09 09:51:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Most people dont have faith. I don't believe once a cheater always a cheat. I believe people can change if they really want to, I mean your one of those examples. : )
2007-01-09 09:21:02
answer #8
answered by Layla 2
Because cheating doesn't mean only sex...It's type of mind, view of life. But I believe that person who finally sees results of that can change it and became non-cheaters. It's all about state of your mind and finding God.
2007-01-09 09:27:51
answer #9
answered by Bella 4
People say it because people are idiots.
First of all to use the term "cheating" is idiotic.
Secondly, the reasons that make a person be unfaithful once, might not present themselves again. People do what they a caused to do.
2007-01-09 10:41:23
answer #10
answered by Phil Knight 3