The hen came first. The egg of the hen must have come from a hen (otherwise it would be the egg of something else), whereas the hen could have come from the egg of something that wasn't quite a hen.
2007-01-08 23:41:24
answer #1
answered by Tom :: Athier than Thou 6
Re: Chicken or the Egg?
Which came first: the Chicken or the Egg?
The chicken. [VW: and then quotes Gen1:24-25, 2:19-20 :VW]
The chicken, God created the adults first. ;)
The chicken of course! Gen. 1:21 I'm guessing everyone will have the same answer
I would have to say that the chicken came first. Then God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: beasts, creeping things and living things of the earth, each according to its kind: thus. (Gen 1:24) We couldn't very well have an egg if there was nothing to lay the egg and incubate it now can we.
Decades ago I would have said the egg came first since the egg determines the chicken. The chicken doesn't necessarilly determine the "egg's" DNA since deviations can come into it. This is one reason evolution is said to work. However, now I would say the chicken came first because that is what Genesis 1:25 says. God did not create eggs and such He created every creeping thing on Earth. It is interesting that it is also written that the creations all were "after his kind" which would rule out evolution.
The chicken. Just as God created Adam and Eve and they had children. God created the chicken and they had eggs: [VW: and quotes Gen1:19-22 :VW]
According to Genesis 1:20-22, there were no eggs created before any animal. To try to say that the egg came first would be to accept evolutionary teaching that the chicken came from a lower form of life until one day an egg hatched and out came a chicken. [VW: and quotes Gen1:20-22 :VW]
Genesis 1:
20 Then God said, Let the waters swarm with swarming living creatures,
and let flying creatures fly to and fro above the earth across the face
of the firmament of the heavens.
21 So God created great sea monsters and every living creature that
moves, that swarmed in the waters according to their kind, and every
winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the
waters in the seas, and let the flying creatures multiply on the earth.
23 Thus, the evening and the morning: Day Five.
As the 'C' person says: Everyone might have the same answer; and most Christians might even quote these same verses from Genesis ch1; but how many can answer a scientifically/evolutionistically minded person as to 'why' these verses indicate the chicken came first? ...not the egg? Just because vs21 says that God created the "winged" creatures, could not God have created them -via- the egg? Both (chicken and egg) certainly contain the same identical genetic material. Could not God have created eggs, from which the winged creatures hatched? What does the rest of the 'context' of the passage say?
We are exhorted: "..always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.." (1Pet3:15) Do you know what the passage -says-? ...the "-whole- counsel of God"? (Ac20:27) Does Scripture answer this question scientifically? Or is this merely a 'stupid' question, that the intellectually elite can sorta roll their eyes up into their eyelids about because it is too boring and/or 'unimportant'? as in: What's the big deal, anyway?!
The Christian needs to understand that a person's understanding of this matter is based almost exclusively on whether they believe in God, the Creator; or if they reject God for the atheistic theories/religion of "evolution".
If a person believes the utterly mathematically 'impossible' probabilities of the notion that at some time in the past there was a "big bang" (nobody has yet suggested where the big bang came from), from which all material and energy sprang; and that matter just mysteriously, on its own, mucked around and formed chemicals, those chemicals somehow inexplicably formed complex genetic information, and the right combination of genes and proteins, and the exactly correct living environment presented itself, with atmosphere, nutrients, temperature, etc....that everything all converged into a habitable environment, and the genetic materials and organization for a particular 'species' assembled itself....ON ITS OWN....then, indeed, there -might- be a question as to which came first. Which is easier to stir around in the cosmic soup kettle and pop out? A chicken, or an egg? Would not the probabilities be about equal! "0"
2007-01-12 19:20:35
answer #2
answered by HJW 7
The hen for two several reasons.
1. The hen has to sit on the egg to hatch
2. The egg couldve hatched into a rooster
2007-01-08 23:05:12
answer #3
answered by bangles121 4
Actually, I'm really sorry, but I believe taht the egg was fisrt. I base my idea on the fact that all creatures evolved from others, so basically, the first hen ever came from an egg, which was laid by a creature which wasn't a hen yet.
2007-01-08 23:20:39
answer #4
answered by Ana 3
none, potentially, you need the organism to evolve into one, but it might be right that the hen comes first, the egg comes from the hen's inside, so first comes the hen
2007-01-08 23:18:02
answer #5
answered by CL 2
the egg because technichally if you go back far enough you would be looking at what the hen evolved from. thus the hens ancestor had to lay the egg of the first hen thereby answering your question
2007-01-09 08:36:07
answer #6
answered by brad g 2
a hen , the hen leys the egg
2007-01-08 23:39:05
answer #7
answered by Ann 3
the hen
2007-01-11 12:30:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
According to Aristotle, actuality takes precedence over (comes first before) potentiality. Eggs become chickens, chickens do not become eggs (they lay eggs, they don’t become eggs). Therefore an egg is a chicken in potentiality, but a chicken is a chicken in actuality. Therefore the chicken came first.
2007-01-09 01:09:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Bok bok! Chickymom lays the egg, sits on it in order for it to be hatched, and soon out pecks a baby chick.
2007-01-09 03:23:41
answer #10
answered by AMEWzing 5