ZERO FRIENDS? Well, in class, everyone would talk & be all drama, and I hated it. So- I got in & got out! I graduated early which put me ahead in life. I don't think it matters about friends once you graduate... no one ever remembers anyone. I don't think a person without friends would feel suicidal but it's possible that could happen.
I had SOME friends, but I hardly had time for them as I hurried to graduate and get the h3ll out!
2007-01-08 21:47:14
answer #1
answered by natalie 6
Sure, I guess it does affect you, but not as negatively. Practically every year I some how manage to be put in a class with none of my friends, it taught me to not be dependant, focused me on learning and above all, how to make new friends. It's hard at the beginning but you learn about a lot more people than in a narrow group of friends.
2007-01-08 21:51:47
answer #2
answered by Girly girl 3
it would desire to be that the stressors of the marriage and the recent expectancies as spouse have taken their toll on you emotionally Now that the hight of issues are over and you will desire to take a seat back you would be able to sense in simple terms the choice. nevertheless completely crushed and drained from the interest. If in a week you nevertheless sense the comparable way i could look for suggestion from alongside with your surgeon. you will desire to be having tension or melancholy, or slightly the two, yet in simple terms they'd have the means to allow you realize which. In all liklihood they'd recommend counselling or some suggestion on the thank you to wrestle tension on your existence, so as which you will handle better until you will desire to return to suitable actual wellbeing. in simple terms bear in mind melancholy doesnt recommend a existence-long conflict. many human beings experiencing bouts of melancholy in thier existence-time can recuperate as long as they get the the main suitable option help as quickly as they'd.
2016-10-30 10:10:11
answer #3
answered by ? 4
class is a good place to start training yourself for the adult world. do you want to be a loner all your life? if not, start finding ways to be part of the class.
if you can, go for some courses to boost your self esteem and social skills.
of course, sometimes, that is not possible, due to extenuating circumstances (poor language skills, poverty, loser, last in class, ugly or disabled, race even sometimes). in which case, just accept it and get on with your life. who knows, things may change over time, just not for the current phase of your life. dont let it embitter you, life is yours to choose how you live it.
2007-01-08 21:50:00
answer #4
answered by lsl4x 4
need more info is this you your talking about or someone ells ?????
if its you only you no how you feel . if its someone ells it depends on their state of mind and weather their is bullying as well. if they feel they have absolutely no one in life anywhere, and their state of mind or self esteem isn't great then i would say yes yes yes
but then what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger
2007-01-08 22:14:22
answer #5
answered by trcyhanna 2
Don't let any person get you down, they are no better than you are, even if they have "class" (social, like rich or cool)
2007-01-08 21:46:06
answer #6
answered by S--slick 4