Come over to my place and I can make your wish come true.
.....and some of my wishes.....
2007-01-10 14:52:32
answer #1
answered by Z 5
If you were to have a kid right now, you would lose all your freedom that you presently have, and will have in the future.
You would not have time to go to school dances or be on the cheer squad.
Your friends wouldn't have anything in common with you, and would stop hanging around you.
Your body is NEVER the same after giving birth.
Sleep? Forget it. I've been a mom for 10 years, and I still get woken up at night!
Money... it costs a LOT to raise a kid. Groceries alone for a 10 year old cost me $200/month. Don't get me started on clothes!!
You are SO young. It's great that you love kids, but you've barely stopped being a child yourself. Being a teenager is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and if you have a child now, you will later regret not having had a teenaged life.
I'm so happy to hear that you love kids. Here's a suggestion ... why not spend as much time as you can with kids (not just your sisters). Babysit, volunteer at the nursery in your church (if you go), go down to a local woman's shelter and help out, raise money for buying baby food/supplies for a shelter or a food bank. Volunteer at a preschool or a daycare.
At 13 you have SO much wonderful energy. Try finding something positive to do with your desires right now. You won't regret volunteering your time. You may regret having a baby.
2007-01-08 18:17:29
answer #2
answered by pianogal73 3
I am glad you like being with children.
At 13 you really need to enjoy learning about yourself rather than trying to be a mom to a young baby. Motherhood is a 24/7 job and would be your number one priority. And early motherhood can be isolating if you haven't established yourself with a support network.
You have many opportunities now to make a difference in a young child's life as you do watching your sister's kids. Did you think about hiring yourself out as a babysitter?
I recommend you take the time now and do something for yourself, like take up a hobby you enjoy, get all the education that you can. Because when you are a full time mom, you will need this experience and those hobbies to take care of your own needs.
About the birth experience, well no two stories are exactly alike, in the end you hopefully end up with a healthy and happy baby and a family to support you through parenthood.
2007-01-08 18:24:19
answer #3
answered by idahdespida 3
If you want to know how it like being pregnant try this for a year....gain up to 40 to 60+ lbs and have your friends come up to you ever so often and hit you in your bladder so hard you almost pee yourself and not to forget your to hit your liver, kidneys, ribs, and you back. In the first few mths throw up every time you see, smell, or eat food. Then there's a little known fact that not a lot of girls your age know about when you give birth there's a chance your vagina is going to either get ripped or cut. Plus theres also a good chance you might poop yourself while giving birth (just imagine doing that in front of 10 or more people). Then get 5 or more alarm clocks to wake you through out the night so you only get a hour or 2 of sleep. Then think about no longer go out with your friends, how hard school is going to be, what people are going to say about you being such a young mother, how are you going to pay for everything this baby will need, Is the guy you have the baby with going to be there to help??
Your only 13 your a kid yourself!!! Have fun babysitting if you love babies. Your to young to take on the responsibility of a child.
Oh yeah just so you know birth doesn't always go the way you want it to. With my sons birth I had to have a c-section because I could of died. just another thing to think about!
2007-01-08 18:47:19
answer #4
answered by thurtlebee 2
I'm glad you love babies and kids. That's a really good thing. And I'm glad you want your own, too.
However every child deserves an educated mother and a good life - so you have quite a long way to go yet. If you don't you become one of those mothers that everyone talks about and you want more for your children than that! You know, poor, on benefits, etc etc.
So why don't you plan a career around children? You could work as a nurse with babies, a teacher, a nursery nurse etc etc.
This will give you all the skills necessary for being the best mother you could be. Good luck.
2007-01-08 19:40:12
answer #5
answered by True Blue Brit 7
Think about this--if you do have a baby at thirteen, that baby grows up and wants to do the same. What would you say.Your not even old enough to get a job to support a baby. Enjoy being young and free while you can. If you like kids so much, volunteer at a local day care. By the time your old enough to start your own familly, you'll have lots of experience with kids and be a better mom. Hopefully you'll be married too.
2007-01-09 03:22:38
answer #6
answered by Kasey S 1
The child care alone for full time =child care is aroudn a thousand a month here where I live. The diapers and food and baby stuff costs ALOT. and how will you drive your kid to the doctor when they are sick. I am a single mom and I will say 3 words... NO SOCIAL LIFE... none at all.. today my kid went to a friends for 4 hours.. know what I did.. I rented a movie that was rated R for language, just so I could feel like an adult again.. and after the movie I napped. alone. peace. quiet. no need to jump up for anything. 4 hours by myself for the first time since school break. And when she is in school, you will be working your butt off at some minum wage job, just so you can afford to go to the thrift store and get gas money to go to the food bank... I wanted a kid at 16 and waited until I was 23.. I went to school and now I can afford my kid.. Also where will you live? For how long?
Kids are great. Babies are sweet. They drive you nuts... but they are great... when you have the means to take care of them.
2007-01-08 18:16:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I had my first child at 21...I don't really see my friends anymore, and I am always tired...he is a lot of work. I know at thirteen you want certain things, but things like having a child should wait.. you need to finish school so you can work and support your child, and you need to enjoy your youth. My youth is basically over and I am only 24. Birth is a scary and painful thing..put it this way...I was ready to die at 2 centimeters....nowhere near the birthing mark. I wound up going in for an emergency c-section. When I was young, I wanted to do what I wanted, when I wanted and wound up doing hardcore drugs. I feel ashamed I didn't put more effort into my school work, because now I have to work extra hard in college to get where I should have been when I graduated high school. If you really want to be around kids, volunteer your time at a daycare and tell them your situation. I guarantee that will be enough dosage of kids. Also, being around someone else's children is completely different than having your own. I loved my friend's child...loved being around him all the time. Now that I have my own, I have to deal with occasional night vomiting (he threw up cheez-its in my hair a few nights ago), numerous dirty diapers, many trips to the ER (he dumped rubbing alcohol in his eyes, completely burnt the skin off the bottoms of his feet, and has had a few asthma attacks), as well as no time for me. I wanted a bubble bath when I got home from work the other night, but didn't get one because my son wanted all my attention.....not to mention his anger fits...believe me girl....this is something you definately have to be older and more prepared for. Please do what I didn't do as a teenager, and take care of yourself. A child is too much for a child.
2007-01-08 18:22:41
answer #8
answered by next PO 2
i hope this is a joke. you are still a kid yourself. and i dont mean that in a bad way. im 20. id give just about anything to be 13 again. how about we switch places, and you can be 20 and ill be 13. but, if you are 20, then you will see how bad of a deicision it is to have a baby when you arent ready. liking kids is way different than being ready to handle one of your own. you are 13. consider that. you have only just become a teenager. you have PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY of time to have kids, and you will. but before that, enjoy your own childhood. you couldnt possibly support a baby at 13, hell, i cant at 20. your life would be all stress and no fun and you would be growing up way faster than you need to. you want to have kids when you are ready, and when you know you will provide a good life for a baby. dont worry. you have so much time to have kids.
2007-01-08 18:18:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I am the mother of a darling little princess. Seriously she thinks she is a princess (shes 20mo). I gave birth with minimal drugs and I can tell you it hurt like hell. I cried and wanted to die. Then there was the whole waiting in the hospital recovery room, uncomfortable bed, baby crying, breastfeeding nightmares, nurses coming in all hours of the day to look at my very sore genitals. Then we get home and my hubby works long hours and I am home alone with this screaming bundle of joy. I don't have the foggiest idea what is going on, or what i am suppose to do with it. I recall one day I layed on the couch resting with her in the car seat since for the first several months of her life she had sinus issues and couldn't be layed flat, I just wanted to sleep but she didn't want to do that, I was so exhausted I cried for an hour. When she was a couple of months old I was changing her diaper and she craped on me, from my chin to my knee. Ewwww. Now she throws a fit when she is told no, she is clumsy and I am sure that one of these days she is going to give me a heart attack, she decides when to eat and if it isn't to her liking it is deposited in the dogs reach, she is contantly getting into stuff, breaking stuff, and destroying things that I once held dear. You might babysit or watch others kids but you still have the chance to give em back. When their your own you are the one who gets handed the kid that just puked, pooped, or is wiping snot everywhere. Forget fashion, a baby will totally cause all your clothes to become stained. Forget privacy, when I have to use the restroom she is there, changing rooms at the stores, she goes in, ect. Forget you time, it is pretty much gone after kids, unless of course you want to pay someone to watch them then that brings up the whole issue of if you can trust that person. Everywhere you go you have to carry kid stuff.
Enjoy your own childhood! Those mushy feelings of wanting a kid will still be around when your body is older and better equiped to handle pregnancy and you have a special person you want to make a baby with. Remember that not every person out there should be allowed to swim in the gene pool so when you do decide to start a family you want to stay away from those that shouldn't be in the gene pool. If nothing else talk to your family, there are at least two women who will tell you to wait since you mentioned having sisters. Don't get stuck with a child while you are still a child yourself! Pregnancy does strange things to your body too, go to your public library and check out "What to expect when you are expecting", there are lots of strange and gross things you will experience being pregnant. Sorry to ramble but it is important that you not grow up too fast, teen years are the best part of your life and should be spent having fun. Mommyhood can be fun but not the same way as teenager fun. Teenager fun is alot better!
2007-01-08 18:39:29
answer #10
answered by MOMMY585 5
you have to have money, a husband/ boyfriend
your own house
you never have freedom
you will miss the prom
going to the movies with your friends
missing your childhood/ teen years
being pregnant . you are uncomfortable all the time and you get sores (hemorrhoids in your butt)
and last but not the very least cause I can go on.. labor!!!! It hurts really really really bad and even the medicine does not help it still hurts.. not to mention you gain weight and your boobs sag.. you are 13 enjoy it while you can.. these are the best years of your life.
When you are a grown up there will be time for the most amazing gift from god.. but till then don't rush it.. you have your whole life ahead of you. I hope that this helps.
2007-01-08 18:19:14
answer #11
answered by michelle b 4