Freemasonry is an oath bound fraternal order of men which derives from the medieval fraternity of Freemasonry. We adhere to many of the Ancient Charges, laws, customs and legends of operative Freemasonry. We are loyal to the civilian government under which we exist. We inculcate moral and social virtues by symbolic application of the operative stonemasons' working tools and by allegories, lectures and charges. Freemasonry obligates its members to obey the principles of brotherly love, equality, mutual aid, secrecy, and confidence. We have secret modes of recognition that permit members to recognize each other as brothers. We require through examination into the mental, moral and physical qualifications of a petitioner and we admit men into the fraternity by secret ceremonies based in part on legends of the Craft.
once a person has decided to apply for membership he fills out a petition signed by 2 members of the Lodge he desires to join. He gives the petition to one of the members along with the required initiation fee. The petition is read at the Lodge's next stated meeting and the Worshipful Master will appoint an investigating committee to interview the petitioner and these men will report back to Lodge at the next stated meeting. After this report of the investigating committee the petitioner is voted on by the members attending this stated meeting. Once the petitioner is accepted he is given the three degrees of Entered Apprentice - Fellow Craft and then the sublime degree of Master Mason. There are certain requirements a candidate must meet before he can proceed from one degree to the next.
One must obtain the Sublime degree of Master Mason before he is allowed to wear any Masonic jewelry.
One must have a Belief in a Supreme Being.
The tenets of the Masonic Fraternity are " Brotherly love, Relief, and Truth. "
The Masonic Fraternity is NOT a Secret Society but rather a Society with Secrets.
Suggest if you are interested in obtaining more information regarding the Masonic Fraternity if over the age of 18 you contact a man whom you know is a Mason for a petition and further information. If you are under 18 suggest you contact a Mason for information regarding the DeMoley Organization.
If no local Masonic Lodge is available then suggest you contact the Grand Lodge of Masons for the State in which you reside.
If you are a Lady the Masonic Fraternity offers the Order of Eastern Star if over 18 or the Order of Rainbow Girls or Job's Daughters if under 18. For requirements to join these Ladies Organizations suggest contacting a local Lodge or Grand Lodge in the State in which you reside
2007-01-09 00:19:20
answer #1
answered by Marvin R 7
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Nobody abused you. Someone simply told you that you're WRONG and that's upsetting to you...but that's your problem. The Catholic Church has been openly hostile to Freemasonry for over 200 years...OF COURSE anything you read about Freemasonry in The Catholic Encyclopaedia would be nonsense. Why would you even think to use a source like that? You're stating numerous "facts" that can be easily debunked! It was "white" Freemasons in England that gave the Prince Hall Lodge (in BOSTON, not New Jersey) it's original charter! Who says Albert Pike was appointed by the Illuminati? Where'd you get that from? Just because you say so? I don't think so. Where did you ever get the idea that Freemasonry controls voting and has to approve every President? If that's true, how did John Adams and John Quincy Adams - who both HATED Freemasonry and spoke out against it - ever get elected? As I said, nobody abused you. They've simply pointed out how absurd your question is and that it's based on certain "facts" that are just total fiction and can't be corroborated. Clearly you don't react well to being told you're wrong, but throwing a tantrum and crying that people are being mean to you won't make you any less wrong.
2016-04-04 00:12:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, there actually is a secret handshake, as well as certain codewords and pass phrases. They are rarely used except in settings where secret information will (or might) be revealed. This is not unique to the Masons, nor original to them; it is a common phenomenon in any organization which uses information or rituals which it wishes to keep from the eyes of outsiders. Recognition signs are not really 'the most secretive' practice any more than a key is 'more secretive' than the thing it unlocks; but you want to keep both out of unauthorized hands.
I couldn't give the specific details on Mason recognition - I'm not in Masons and even if I were IT'S SECRET. But I've been in more than one other organization that uses similar pass signs - yes, they're secret too, sorry.
2007-01-08 16:56:37
answer #3
answered by dukefenton 7
Why would want to know? If you are a Mason, then you should know it. If you are not Mason, then you should realize if there are such signs and wording then they are supposed to keep outsiders where they belong. You wouldn't want to share your Email and password with others would you?
2016-04-13 22:34:57
answer #4
answered by John 1
i know they wear a ring with the sign of the masons.I read up on this awhile back and it was said Benjamin Franklin was one.Hm mm I need to read up again, seems it was pretty interesting
2007-01-08 16:52:53
answer #5
answered by mean evil woman 7
They all wear the Freemason insignia ring. I believe you know what the insignia is.
2007-01-08 20:08:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
True. They may actually wear something- a brochure for e.g- that belong to their specific group because as you know they have different lodges and so on...
2007-01-08 16:52:19
answer #7
answered by Nkaz 2
It's just a secret handshake, dum bass. I don't know if Masons do this, but I'm in Eastern Star, and we all carry membership cards. Honestly, only real idiots go around reading and believing BS people say about organizations they know nothing about. If you're really so curious, call up your local chapter and join; it's not that hard.
2007-01-08 16:50:25
answer #8
answered by Cat Loves Her Sabres 6
They check their networks on friendster and faceboook. They're all required to keep an updated picture there
2007-01-08 16:51:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they tap their heads twice, blink 4 times then scratch their left testicle followed by a thumping of the chest
2007-01-08 16:49:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous