photon we can say is a budle of electromagnetic does not suggest continios energy but energy in discrete values .
(energy)E=n(integer)h(plank's constant)(frequency)
2007-01-08 18:35:18
answer #1
answered by pankaj 2
The photon - according to the present view - is an isolated clump of electromagnetic energy. It moves at the speed of light, c. It has no rest mass – which means that if the photon were stationary, it would have no mass. Therefore, by Einstein’s relativity, the moving photon has no mass either. Even so, it has an observable momentum – which is somewhat strange. A continuous stream of photons makes up an electromagnetic wave (of frequency nu). The energy of the photon is
E = h x nu
Where h is called the Planck’s constant, an extremely small number.
The concept of photon is generally (in the practical world) applied to IR (infrared) and shorter wavelengths (visible light, X ray, gamma ray). Theoretically, the concept applies to any electromagnetic wave.
2007-01-08 16:58:36
answer #2
answered by mallimalar_2000 7
A photon is an elementary particle of light. The concept of photon was developed by Albert Einstein
In modern physics, the photon is the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena. It mediates electromagnetic interactions and makes up all forms of light. The photon has zero invariant mass and travels at the constant speed c, the speed of light in empty space. However, in the presence of matter, a photon can be slowed or even absorbed, transferring energy and momentum proportional to its frequency. Like all quanta, the photon has both wave and particle properties; it exhibits wave–particle duality.
2007-01-08 16:45:26
answer #3
answered by Charu Chandra Goel 5
Arises from the photoelectric effect. If light is shone on a cesium electrode in vacuum, with another electrode nearby, electrons are knocked out of the cesium and can be collected at the other electrode as a current. Experiments varying the intensity and color of the light demonstrate the quantization of the light as photons. Einstein won a Nobel Prize for figuring this out.
2007-01-08 16:41:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The concept of a photon = a freeble and a mantra tychoid fractured to a left-handed slurge.
2007-01-08 16:45:58
answer #5
answered by Chug-a-Lug 7
A photon is a light quantum whose energy is equal to
E = h x nu,
where h is the Constant of Plank (6.6252 x 10 to the 27th negative power); and, nu is the frequency of the radiation
2007-01-08 16:48:20
answer #6
answered by QQ dri lu 4
You mixed up some issues: Decoherence: In quantum physics, in case you word the state of a particle (which you're able to do generally), you will reason decoherence. be conscious which you do no longer could desire to truly word something to reason decoherence. in case you degree the state and throw away the suggestions with out having a glance at it, you reason decoherence too. even nevertheless there is no way of watching with out inflicting decoherence. Uncertainty theory: some portions are no longer sharply defined by potential of a state. as an instance a particle with a defined momentum has a marginally doubtful place.
2016-11-27 21:58:39
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Einstein won the nobel prize for proving that light comes in descrete packets of energy.
2007-01-08 16:58:16
answer #8
answered by anonimous 6
2007-01-08 16:40:35
answer #9
answered by computerguy103 6
Yeah, its great, isn't it?
What exactly are you asking?
2007-01-08 16:39:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous