How come we all have to put in our opinion, even when we know it won't make a difference?
When I ever here someone blatently talking about something that disagrees with my views, I always want to preach to them, but I never do. Online sometimes I'll practically write an essay when someones saying their gay son is the son of the devil, or that evolution means that monkeys gave birth to a people (if you don't know what it is how can not you say for certain it isn't real?), but I wonder why any of us bother, and I mean on both sides of the spectrum. Just because I curse a person out because I think they're ignorant doesn't mean they're going to change their mind suddenly. You don't see christians or atheists all of the sudden being like "oooo okay now I get it." So I guess my question is why do we insist on debating issues in which we know the other person will not change their mind?
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