No, it is not suitable for lower eyelids. It looks way too harsh.
2007-01-08 15:52:18
answer #1
answered by hopflower 7
Liquid eye liners can often look really harsh on the top lid not to mention the bottom lid. Why not use an eyeshadow with a transformer- that works better than liners and don't give the harsh eighties look.
2007-01-08 14:33:51
answer #2
answered by wanting it all 4
Yes you can. I suggest you apply liquid eye liner on the outside bottom eye lid. Practice makes perfect. The more you do it the better. Try put it on as one stroke and the finishing is very nice and clean.
2007-01-08 14:38:25
answer #3
answered by Abby 4
The answer is NO. Please don't apply liquid liner on your bottom lid that's the one of the most common makeup mistakes...Your eyes will too droopy and you will look like a drag queen. If you want a dramatic look apply liquid liner on your top lid and pencil liner on your bottom lid.
2007-01-08 14:33:31
answer #4
answered by jmedk 2
Yes, you can put it on your bottom eye lid. It takes a STEADY hand and lots of practice. Put your eye shadow on first, then the liquid eyeliner, then mascara.
2007-01-08 15:05:58
answer #5
answered by Larsbee 1
it doesn't give you a nice look,pencil is used in the inside of the lower eye lids
2007-01-08 14:34:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it's strictly preference whether or not to put it on the top or top and bottom. I prefer top and bottom, and you will have to practice. The only way to get a nice clean line is to swip it quite quickly, but you will have to practice to get it in the right spot for it to look good.
2007-01-08 14:33:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Haha, me and my sister have both tried this, and it doesnt work at all for us...i think that one of those eye liners that come in a tube that you can twist up work very well, and they are neater and less messy by far. there are many brands, wet n'wild, maybelline, mary kay signature is really good...
2007-01-08 15:19:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I suppose you can, but then when I did it looked rather fake and scary. But that's just me. To make it look clean (for hte top) if you go right against your lashes it should probobly line right where it'll be normal looking. Anyways, if you do mess up you can always use make-up remover!
2007-01-08 14:33:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Of course you can. I do everyday and i love it! just becareful not to get it into your eye cuz it will hurt. Remember, practice makes perfect. Try not to make it too thick tho, cuz it can have a really dramatic effect on how your makeup will look!
good luck!
2007-01-09 11:56:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Only below the botton eye lid. I tried it and it got into my eye and hurt.
2007-01-08 14:34:03
answer #11
answered by C C 2