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I do not think that this procedure is one that would work. I am not Christian or anything by that matter but i do believe there is more to life than having blood running through your body. I really think they want your money.

2007-01-08 14:23:06 · 4 answers · asked by necro 3 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

4 answers

Currently it is. We do not now have the technology to revive a being that has been cryogenically frozen. However, we do have techniques where we can freeze cell cultures for long periods of time with no damage to the cells. Whether or not entire organisms can withstand the same treatment is yet to be seen.

We have technology now we couldn't have dreamed about only a few decades ago. Don't discount this so quickly.

2007-01-08 14:58:44 · answer #1 · answered by Skysong 3 · 1 1

And, from what I have read, a damned good profitable way, too.
It prays on an individual's quest for an eternal life and is based on ones hope that in the future, anything will be possible - regardless of physical or scientific laws.

2007-01-08 22:31:50 · answer #2 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 2

Personally, I think it is. Some people think that technology will exist in the near future that will enable us to revive these people - but I am not one of those people.

To me - it's like some type of fad - some type of sick dream that the rich aspire to cheat death, which is impossible.

2007-01-08 22:31:56 · answer #3 · answered by Dr Dave P 7 · 0 2


2007-01-08 22:25:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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