So I'm not the only one!!! My son just turned 1 two days ago and STILL gets up at least every 2 hours if not more at night. He hasn't taken a nap during the day more than maybe an hour and a half since he was teeny tiny. I've tried all the cereal, toy light things (which actually terrified him! LOL), and rocking/holding him, and found that it didn't help. I basically have to just let him cry himself to sleep sometimes. Don't get me wrong, that's HARD to do. I hate to hear him cry, but he's SO tired that he's miserable otherwise.
And I'm just wondering, does she cry a lot/all the time, if so, she may have colic or something like that, mine did for the first 4 months and I had to give him the enfamil nutramigen which helps with cows milk protein allergies. It was a lifesaver. Good luck
2007-01-08 15:28:43
answer #1
answered by lucy 2
My 4 month old will only sleep about 3 hours at a stretch each night too. It's just the age. They still are learning to sleep better. My son is in his own bed and we have taken his pacifier away so he no longer wakes for that. I have started to let him cry it out if I have just recently fed and changed him and have given him a bit of a cuddle. In the beginning he would cry for about 5 or 10 minutes but now he cries for about 30 seconds and fall asleep. I think when he hits about 6 months he will be sleeping for about 5 or six hour stretches. Just keep to a good schedule and do the same thing every night. This is also an age where they start to eat alot more (about 32 oz. a day). Maybe try a little more breast milk or formula.
2007-01-08 13:59:50
answer #2
answered by BCMEDIC 3
2-3 hours at night is pretty good for this age. Breastmilk digests quickly, as it is the prefect food and she may very well be hungry. Bring her to bed with you and you can just roll over and nurse her whenever she needs it at night. its absurd to think that rice cereal, which is processed to death and has little nutritional value, would fill her up enough to sleep all night. Her stomach is about the size of her fist right now.
She may very well be teething, or experiencing a growth spurt, or hitting a major developmental milestone such as rolling over, all of which can cauuse sleep disturbances.
As for the daytime naps, do you have a sling or soft carrier you can wear her in? My son would sleep for 2 hours if i was wearing him, but only about 20 minutes if i laid him down. i highly reccommend an Ergo or MeiTai if she is a big baby, as they disribute the weight better and you can put her on your back and go about your day while she sleeps!
2007-01-08 15:28:52
answer #3
answered by Terrible Threes 6
My son had colic and just got over it about a month ago, he will be five months this week. So, I know all about gassy babies. Try giving him a warm bath that covers his belly at night, place a warm rag on his belly while in the bath too, warm a blanket in the dryer while you massage his belly with some lotion. Wrap the blanket around him, with emphasis on his belly. Not only will the warm bath soothe his belly but along with the long gentle massage he will rest well, or at least my boy does. You could also try giving him a warm bottle of water, about 2 ounces or so after the bath. For some reason, water gets things going with my boy. Make bedtime for him relaxation time for you and your spouse. Turn the lights off or down, radios or tv down or off, etc. Good luck with everything, soon enough he will find his schedule!
2016-05-22 21:34:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am not experiencing this, as my 4 month old sleeps all night but it sounds like she might be teething and is uncomfortable. What I do with my 4 month old is I give her a bath before bed each night, helps relax her and you can get "johnsons bedtime bath" and it helps soothe babies, just a few drops in the water. Maybe try playing music and see if that works. If not then let her cry for a bit, it doens't hurt.
2007-01-12 05:36:11
answer #5
answered by Proud Mother 3
My daughter did this due to constipation. Does she have regular bowel movements that are kind of a solid squishy consistency? If not it could be constipation or a very bad case of gas. For the gas, try mylecon drops. They are approved for all ages. If you think it's constipation, you can contact me and I can give you some tips.
2007-01-08 13:40:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I used to hold my son until he fell asleep....and when I put him in his crib, he would cry so I just held him all night long. Later on, when he was about 7 months, he would fall asleep with the twirling nightlight. Ask your doc! I don't know the answer....just sharing my experience.
2007-01-08 13:39:06
answer #7
answered by Smiles 4
take a blanket and put it in the dryer and put that on her not too hot! a warm bath may help. letting her cry is not a sin. try taking her for a car ride sometimes. you can try to thin out her cerial it may be upsetting her tummy. change her formula it may make her gassy. let her sleep with you. my little boy will sleep all day if i'm next to him. she may be teething check her gums. i hope it helps good luck new mom!!!
2007-01-08 13:42:15
answer #8
answered by Emmy 2
haleiua!!! i am not the only person going through this!!! yeah!! my son wnat sleep ever!! he takes one or 2 naps and wakes through the night and he is not even phased by the feedings of rice ceral. just shoot me already!!! we are to the point of strict sleeping. he needs a schedule. i just lay him down and let him cry it out. and at night i just let him cry if he wakes thinking he needs to eat at 2 in the morning.
2007-01-08 14:09:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous