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2 answers

The above "Infinite" Silver Key trick is great, but it is only infinite in the original Fable--Lionhead Studios limited the number of times you can do this in The Lost Chapters (using the glitch "too many times" will cause your save to become corrupted). I recommend using the "infinite" Silver Key glitch when attempting the Hobbes Cave Quest, as the Key is very close to the restart point.

Actually, many of the glitches in the original Fable were fixed in The Lost Chapters. I would recommend using the Silver Cheat glitch at least a few times, though, because sometimes the School Book Quest (I can't think of the actual name of the quest) doesn't work correctly, making it so you can't get the "maximum" of 30 Silver Keys if you play without cheating--as there is a 30 Key Chest somewhere in Albion, which makes it frustrating when you get to the end of the game.

EDIT: Now that I'm back from work, I can add to my Answer.

***Fable Easter Egg - FCC Balverines***

There are four stones you need to activate in the "Save The Archaeologist" Quest. The name of the Demon Door has the letters I, H, S, and T. You can make three words with these letters (one of which is the Door's name). The words are HITS, THIS, and an expletive starting with "S". Spell out the curse word and two Balverines will come and attack you.

***Weapon - Frying Pan***

In order to get this weapon, you must complete the "Treasure Hunt" Quest, in which you must find Treasure Clues one through six. You will find this in Orchard Garden where there's a barn with nothing in it. There is an empty barn in Orchard Farm that has hay cubes near it. The hay cubes form a semi-pyramid. Dig between the hay and the barn (near a small lock) and you'll get the Frying Pan. It is heavy and has 100 damage. Even better, it has *four* augmentation spaces.

Note: You must retrieve all six Treasure Clues, or the Frying Pan will be useless.

***Hidden Message***

Name your Hero "Krunk" and you will get a hidden message.

***Extra Gold***

Buy the house in Oakvale for 5,000 gold and mount your most expensive trophies. Smash open the door and sell the house. The doorway will be open, allowing you to get your trophies back, purchase the house, and repeat the process. This will allow you to earn a profit depending on the value of the trophies you mount.

***Ages of Potions***

To get the most out of your "Ages of " Potions, drink/use them when you have a high Combat Modifier.

Note: You can find one of each of these potions in the "Find the Archaeologist" Quest. You can use the Hero Save exploit (also used in the Infinite Silver Keys) here to stock up on these potions.

***Free Rest***

If you don't feel like paying for an inn, or are in a town without one, go into someone's house and choose to sleep. Before the screen blacks out run outside the house and you will not be fined for trespassing.

***Easy Renown***

Buy a spade. In the Guild, choose a new Quest and choose to Boast about it. You will be transported to the Boast Podium in Lookout Point. Your fans will then come see you Boast. Step off the podium and find a patch of ground go dig up. Every time you dig, the fans reloaded. Continue doing this until you have a huge crowd of people, then pull out a Trophy and show it off to the amassed onlookers for huge amounts of Renown points.

Note: The more fans on the screen will cause your Xbox to lag. I usually get about 60 to 100 fans before showing off my Trophies.

***Demon Door at Knothole Glade***

If you shoot a fully Charged Fireball instead of an arrow the door will still open. This is great if you're playing a pure Will User who can't use a bow to save his life.

I think there's more, but this is all the ones I can think of at the top of my head.

2007-01-08 12:22:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Infinite Silver Keys.
Go to a mission and during that mission if you find a silver key, save and quit. Reload your file and do the mission again. not only will you have the silver key in possession but it will still be in the place you originally found it.

Try gamefaqs.com

2007-01-08 11:09:39 · answer #2 · answered by one-way heart 2 · 0 1

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