Never, well they will admit it as soon as Rush and Fox tell them to.
2007-01-08 09:46:30
answer #1
answered by Perplexed 7
We already know it! Just get off it. We're there for whatever, lets win. How about winning when did that become such an unAmerican term? When did we become this nation of whiny losers? These people we are fighting are insane they have been killing each other for centuries, why is it such a bad idea to try to stop that crap. Isn't it enough just to give people a chance to stop the torture and sectarian violence, isn't that enough just to help somebody?
All Republicans are not stupid like you claim. Iraq was never an imminent threat to the US, even though they did have WMDs they had no delivery method to get to us. But we are fighting a war against Islamofacists and Iraq is the perfect beachhead to stage the final battle in the region. Plus the oil isn't a bad perk. If we can spread a little freedom in an horrible oppressive region, just maybe that will take root and grow throughout the Muslim world, maybe it will help them realize they can be Muslims and not actually have to kill everyone else, maybe freedom is the right drug to get this done, its worth a try. Plus, Saddam needed to go it was his time and we couldn't just leave the country without a government, then Iran would just swoop in and suck it up and then you'd have real problems.
So move on to some logical rational discussion we already know all this crap.
2007-01-08 18:06:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Never - actually 60% of Americans still think they were or are there. Bush actually admitted he made a "mistake" but Cheny has not made the admission. many people think GAS is a WMD and have not seen the definition of WMD by the U.N.
People don't like to admit they were wrong. On death row Saddam said there were no WMD.
2007-01-08 17:56:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well if it wasnt about Oil and it wasnt about WMDs then just WHAT the hell ARE our soldiers doing over there, apart from getting blown up everyday? Is this President's Bushs sly plan to reduce the number of people in the military? Wouldnt it be cheaper to just early retire them?
2007-01-08 17:53:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When the rest of you can proove the WMD's were not there! Read and watch and you learn what that monster Saddam was doing!
2007-01-08 18:30:50
answer #5
answered by Starla_C 7
the reluctancy of Saddam to admit he didnt have WMD and the stealthness he kept was one of two things. he either had them or he didnt but he wanted to make Iran think he did to keep them out of Iraq. either way Iraq posed a threat. this will be understandable in the history books.
2007-01-08 18:00:13
answer #6
answered by CaptainObvious 7
So, what is the reason de jour for the war?
2007-01-08 17:49:12
answer #7
answered by Overt Operative 6
How many answers will you get that don't insult Republicans?
2007-01-08 17:51:10
answer #8
answered by Abu 5
They don't have a brain, so it would be hard to change there minds, well, I mean the Republican fascists
2007-01-08 17:48:10
answer #9
answered by A nobody 3
It wasn't. But it wasn't for oil, either.
2007-01-08 18:29:30
answer #10
answered by MoltarRocks 7