With a dialect coach. Unless you are a linguistics genius, you can NOT learn accents/dialects from a book. Using a dialect coach is how famous actors/actresses do it. It will cost you some money but if you're serious about it, that's the best way to do it without going to Britain. Some will even teach you over the phone so you don't even have to leave your house. Other than that, turn on the BBC and watch it 24/7 and see what you can absorb.
2007-01-08 09:26:40
answer #1
answered by Geoff S 6
It's relatively tricky and not using a speech train and an excessively well ear. And besides you are more likely to make errors that make you sound like a idiot to any British individual who can inform that you are blending up quite a lot of accents, when you consider that unique categories and areas have very unique inflections. Not to say you don't have a tight reply if humans begin speaking approximately cultural matters you could recognise good should you had been truthfully British. But should you desire to do it only for amusing, watch plenty of Masterpiece Theater movies and imitate how the characters speak -- the sluggish drawl, the inflections, the phrases they use. Practice for a even as and when you have a well ear, it must come evidently. For a few motive I'm evidently talented at accents, so it is convenient for me to mimic, even though I by no means fake to be anybody I'm no longer. I believe it is regularly a question of particularly listening. If I lived in England I'd choose up a few nearby accessory very quickly -- it might be unimaginable for me to speak another means. Same for Ireland or Australia -- often I are not able to aid however fit the individual's accessory while I speak to these humans at the cell. Bad addiction I recognise.
2016-09-03 18:25:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As a Brit in the USA, I learnt two things. Americans should not attempt Brit accents, and Brits should never attempt American accents
2007-01-08 09:34:37
answer #3
answered by Arizona Brit 4
Either Find A Hot *** British dude, or get an audio cassette that teaches vocabulary!! =)
2007-01-08 09:27:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why do you want to be a poser? are you an actor?
anyway just watch lots of british movies and shows.
2007-01-08 09:27:15
answer #5
answered by digby_by 4
Read a book with many british people speaking in it. make sure you read it out loud. also try not to have a cheesy accent.
2007-01-08 09:27:08
answer #6
answered by christinna 1
Befriend an Englishman or woman and spend a considerable amount of time with him or her. American children of British parents speak just like their parents in spite of their American environment.
2007-01-08 09:33:02
answer #7
answered by flacocajuncujo 4
lol...that is a good question.....watch some movies and practice your british accent....good luck
2007-01-08 09:27:21
answer #8
answered by abril b 2
Go to the Bahamas
2007-01-08 09:32:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
stick a penny in your ash...what are you for real..either you can do the accent or you cant..why do you want to be a limey any ways..how about a nice french accent you can call me papa..dont you just love your papa..
2007-01-08 09:27:04
answer #10
answered by Kingofreportedabuse 3