I've had three amazing unmedicated births. I wouldn't do it any other way without a medical indication that something was needed.
I tell moms that the keys are education, preparation and support.
Educate yourself about birth and about interventions. Know the risks and benefits of your choices. Know what is normal in labor. (So since you've had two already, you probably know a lot of this already.)
Prepare yourself. Practice relaxation and maybe visualization during your pregnancy. Consider having regular massages while PG. This will help to keep away the aches and pains of pregnancy. It will teach you to relax completely. It will also balance your body, which will make labor easier. Practice squatting during pregnancy. Stay active during your pregnancy. Get a birth ball to sit on. Make up a birth plan and discuss it with your caregiver. Consider using a midwife as they are typically more experienced with supporting moms who want an unmedicated birth.
Support. Make sure your hubby and your caregiver know your wishes and are supportive of your choices. Consider hiring a doula to support you in labor. Some hospitals even provide doulas for free if you ask in advance.
Consider waterbirth, as the warm water provides AMAZING pain relief and it is a gentler transition for baby.
Read a lot.
The Birth Partner by Simkin
Birthing From Within by England
The Birth Book by Dr. Sears
Husband Coached Childbirth by Dr. Bradley
Choosing Waterbirth by Bertram (sp?)
Labor as long as possible with your bag of water intact. This makes the contractions more bearable and the pressure in your pelvis less intense. Taking/eating lots of vitamin C in pregnacy will help you grow a strong bag of waters.
2007-01-08 08:39:48
answer #1
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Hi. I have 3 kids, and had them all natural, at home. They were wonderful! My first was 8 lbs., my 2nd was 9.11, and my third was 9.1. I had my first in 2 hrs. from since my water broke. My 2nd was born 22 minutes after my water broke! I took some vitamins called 5 week formula that you are supposed to start taking 5 weeks before you have the baby. If you email me, I can give you the info. I did not rip or tear once! Not at all. And I am normally 100 lbs.! People were worried about me because I am so small, and I have big babies, but it all went so good. I would suggest a midwife, and having your baby there in your house where you can crawl straight into bed after you have the baby, and all is well! You don't have to be in perfect shape to have a baby naturally. Just try your best to eat healthy, and take your vitamins. Look into this 5 week formula! It is what helped me to stretch without ripping, and and tolerate the pain. It works! (it doesn't mean you won't rip, but you might not rip as much, you know?) I am not making much sense, but if you contact me, I could tell you much more! Good luck! wildhareswife@yahoo.com
2007-01-09 11:23:38
answer #2
answered by fungirl 2
Giving start is probably the most traditional factor on the earth and it's not relevant in which you provide start, be it in a mattress, an elevator, a taxi, water or at any place else. Your frame is aware of what to do and the leisure the midwife will understand what to do and can inform you some thing you ought to understand. Think approximately all the ones hundreds of thousands of toddlers that have been born earlier than there have been ever any books at the field and you'll be able to by no means discover an animal studying a publication approximately methods to provide start. You might be excellent and congratulations, I'm definite the whole lot will move simply excellent.
2016-09-03 18:24:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I went natural with my first (and so far only) child.
1. Get a doula. I had one and she was fabulous. There was so much going on and I was moving around so much. She kept me hydrated, she helped me think of different positions and ways of dealing with the pain and she kept me aware of my surroundings. She even gave my husband her sandwhich to eat for dinner because the baby was coming so fast he would have missed the birth had he left to get food!
2. Get up off your butt! Don't let them make you lay down - that is the WORST position for a laboring woman. I sat on a birthing ball, sat in the shower, sat on the toilet! pulled on my husband, etc. And don't be surprised if certain positions you thought would help don't feel good at all. Move on to something else!
3. Don't let the pain get ahead of you. You only have to get through the next contraction, not the next 5, 10, 20 contractions. The worst thing you can do is be afraid of the pain. Fear breeds more/worse pain! You get a break in between each one and make sure that break matters. Relax, drink, change positions during breaks. This is what your body is supposed to be feeling and doing, everything is ok, and it will all be over soon.
2007-01-08 08:42:21
answer #4
answered by harrisnish 3
I had all my 3 all natural and my last one was 8lbs. 15oz. I always just knew it was going to hurt and very bad and I was prepared just for the worse pain ever. I stayed home as long as possible that makes me just more comfortalbe to be home. Then when I was at the hospital I was only hooked up to the monitor for very short times. I was able to walk around and not just lay in bed. That would be the worst to just lay there. I used the birthing ball a lot and my husband had to massage with each contraction in my back, where a lot of my labor seem to be.
I always with every one asked for drugs right before I was ready to push because it does get pretty intense, but I always just made it through. You can't get any drugs after 7cm anyway.
Breathing and relaxation are big ones to help you through the contractions. I found my own way that worked for me, but you could research on that. Good Luck to you.
2007-01-08 08:42:03
answer #5
answered by schell_75 3
I'm so excited for you and your plans! I had my son au naturale almost one year ago, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. The relief after he was born was so incredible, since I did feel everything--including the wonderful end!
Find a Bradley instructor in your area. I took classes from my friend who teaches them. The course material concentrates on being prepared for each stage, and it gives you some tips for how to deal with the pain--not block it out, but deal with it. It helped me so much just to know what was coming next. It was more of a preparation of the mind for me, I think! :)
There are some exercises you can do as well to get ready for the big day--they are all included in the Bradley workbook. (It's a kind of corny book itself, but if you can get past that, there are some good things in there.)
There's one exercise that would have potentially helped me a lot. Our baby was "sunnyside up," and evidently if you put your belly on an exercise ball and rock gently at the end of pregnancy it can help flip the baby around. I didn't know he was positioned that way or I would have tried to flip him over before I went into labor! (Of course, I'd check with my dr. first, and so should anybody who's reading this.) The nurse had me try it in the hospital, but I couldn't. I was way more comfortable on my side.
Being in the shower also helped me a lot with pain. We stayed at home as long as we could, and I got in the shower for a few minutes twice. It was hard to shower with an I.V.
We had our son in the hospital. He was our first, and I just wanted to be there in the event of something terrible happening. I did have to have a fluids I.V. to stay hydrated, but in retrospect that was helpful, as I started throwing up when it was time to push. Some hospitals will let you go without the I.V., but mine wasn't one of them.
I'm so glad I had my baby naturally, and I hope that it goes well for you too.
All the best!!
2007-01-08 08:45:35
answer #6
answered by JK 3
Thanks for the question---I'm due in March with baby #2 and am looking for a med free delivery as well. I look forward to the answers you receive. I've also been reading alot on hypno-birthing and water births if you want to check it out. Several people that have had "natural" births have done it this way.
2007-01-08 08:39:32
answer #7
answered by missionhtg 4
Well getting into shape is a good idea! Make sure that you stay in shape during your pregnancy. Have things to focus on or take your mind off of it and distract you. Have your husband know the game plan and what you expect of him....he can play a huge part in helping you concentrate and take care of your needs.....good luck to you im due in March and DETERMINED to do it naturally
2007-01-08 08:31:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Take Lamaze classes they are well worth the effort I had all three of my children no pain meds and natural birth each time.
2007-01-08 08:35:31
answer #9
answered by elaeblue 7
hi there, i would say to learn to relax your mind and body, amidst the worst most distracting pain you'll ever feel in your life. i thought i was good at relaxation and meditation. but i found it impossible to relax - i was so anxious. as for the pain - you just have to get through it. have a very supportive partner there, who is encouraging and can remind you to relax, that you are strong, that it will end soon, etc. good luck!
2007-01-08 08:42:40
answer #10
answered by bb 4