It depends on the handbag. There are a wide variety of handbag styles made by the Prada brand. You should try using a search engine, or even going to or a large bookstore to find books and other resources to determine which bags are "genuine". Usually this kind of information is not for free. I can't be specific, since I do not know what exact style of handbag you have, but usually you can tell by the shape of the zipper tag, specific serial numbers (in specific sequences) located on a tag inside the bag..for example, all genuine bags may have serial numbers that begin with "CT" 40500. A fake bag might have a serial number that goes, "HM 67888". You should go to a Prada boutique and check the physical details of a genuine handbag, then compare it to the one that you might want to buy. I know most genuine bags do not have a clear plastic wrap over the handles or straps of the bags. Also be aware that even fake handbags come with dusts bags and so called "certifications". If you are buying off Ebay, make sure they have a reciept for the bag from an authorized boutique. Usually they have A SERIAL number on the bag, and you can call the boutique to double check to see that the bag is indeed a genuine handbag.
"handbags made in China, Taiwan or Japan are fakes".
There are some really nice designer handbags that are made in Japan. The ones I'd worry about are if they were made in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia.
More than usual, the well-know designer handbag brands (Christian Dior, Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton) are made in Italy or France.
Don't forget that even fakes come with certificates or dust bags and even serial numbers sewn inside the bag. It's the details you must pay attention to when determining a fake.
2007-01-08 07:55:23
answer #1
answered by chocolate_cat 3
You should be able to tell a real Prada from the knock off by looking on the inside of the bag. For example the quality of the material thats has been used to line the bag. And also look to see where it has been made. If if says china, Tawain, japan, chances is it's a knock off. but If it says made in Italy or even maybe france, it might not be the 100% original but it is close. There should also be a signature look to it also, and also the Prada trade mark should be stiched or carved in the material or carved on the latch or zips.
2007-01-08 07:51:36
answer #2
answered by Natty 3
Whilst overseas last year I purchased a Prada Wallet at their Space Outlet in Florence. The wallet I purchased was Article No. 1M0506, Material VIT.DAINO 1 and the colour was Mimosa.
I started to use the wallet three months ago and during the normal course of usage the wallet soiled so I cleaned it with a damp cloth with water, the colour transferred to the cloth.
I contacted Prada in Melbourne and Sydney and they advised that the wallet was dyed naturally and this happens and that when I purchased the wallet I should have been advised and I should have been provided with a booklet. I advised them that I was not told that this might happen nor was I provided with a booklet.
The Prada Representative said that I need to look after my wallet, I told them that I only use it as a wallet and it remains in my bag. She then told me that I should clean my wallet with a dry cloth, I explained that if I tried to clean it with a dried cloth it would not get the grim off.
The Prada Representative contacted the technician in Italy who confirm that the wallet was dyed naturally and could not help any further.
I requested a refund of my money or a replacement wallet, none has been forthcoming. I also asked them to put something in writing to me and they have refused.
The wallet retails in their Australian store for $720.00.
2014-10-27 16:31:56
answer #3
answered by annalisa gimelli 1
Some knock offs can be really convincing.
Check the little things, like the seam quality, if the logo is sewn in straight, if the liner is neat. And serial numbers on the inside.
My boyfriend got a Prada wallet real cheap from a store that was going out of business. He was afraid it was fake, just because it wasn't expensive. But we had it checked out, and its the real deal.
So cheap doesn't always mean fake... But if you bought it on a street corner or something... Chances are, it's a knock off.
2007-01-08 07:49:26
answer #4
answered by ljn331 4
nicely the thanks to inform if its a knock off is that if it breaks in like numerous week. the ordinary of the fabric is low-priced, like if the leather-depending is pretend or the metallic is plastic sprayed with chrome, and the tag in area, if it dosent have some thing stamped on it it really is definatly a knock off. yet when it does have a tag with stamped writing on it examine to work out if there is any mispelings or too many areas. and be sure the interior is leather-depending, and by no ability some wierd feeling fabric it really is mostly a tanish colour. it truly is going to rip reall extremely. and if it receives stains actual extremely, the real issues are treated with some specail spray to cause them to be stain resistant. and paying for knockoffs arent worth it, purchase the real issues, sure they're more effective extreme priced, yet they are going to very last continually.
2016-12-28 10:07:37
answer #5
answered by ? 4
If you purchase your bag from a guy on the street who pulled it out of large garbage bag then it's a knock off a real one has to be bought in a reputable store not a Walmart or a dark little shop that sells novelty items and I love NY t-shirts 3 for 5
2007-01-08 07:44:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Look inside at the lining. That's how you can tell the real thing from a knockoff. If it's real, the name will appear inside also.
2007-01-08 07:43:32
answer #7
answered by Me, Myself & I 4
Who cares? I have two that are probably knock-offs, but nobody's looking at the inside of my purse except me! I love my Prada's! Or Frada's, as the case may be...
2007-01-08 08:07:04
answer #8
answered by LindaLou 7
check the overall quality like the fabric or leather and the stichting. also i have seen a lot of fake prada bags that say "praga" instead of "prada" on the metal part on the outside.
2007-01-08 08:05:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
look 4 a serial number on the inside
2007-01-08 07:46:08
answer #10
answered by chica69 2