no they shouldn't expect the Mayor to know he's the Mayor not BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!
2007-01-08 05:22:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well genius, do you have any clue what the smell is? Besides the odor smacking back into your face from your mouth? Stop acting like they should have an answer right away. There are many tests they need to conduct before coming up with the answer. You are the people who cause everyone to panic. Just relax and calm down. The smell that Manhattan usually gives off is far worse than what you are smelling now. Make yourself useful and call your local emergency center to see if you could help out. Otherwise, keep your butt inside and wait for the results. If you aren't willing to help find the sollution, then you should just keep your opinions to yourself. Thank you and GOD bless.
2007-01-08 13:34:14
answer #2
answered by cookie 6
That's the most frustrating part...EVERYONE is smelling it, yet no one can tell us what it is. I started smelling it at 8:15-ish this morning, and thought it was just me, but then when I came into work, someone said something about gas, and the whole office went "I smell it too!" That's when I knew there was a problem.
Also, didn't the officials say that the air after 9/11 was safe to breathe...funny that people are dying now because of the "safe" air.
All I know is I'm freaked out and don't want to be at work right now! But then again, I could smell it in my apartment, so who knows if there's anywhere safe! Argh.
Also, for those who are unfamiliar with the term "natural gas" it has nothing to do with sewers or bodily's the gas used for heating. At first it smelled like fuel oil and then morphed into the natural gas smell.
2007-01-08 13:28:47
answer #3
answered by Erin W 2
What are you talking about? People like you have convinced yourselves that all types of government should know everything in real time, and give you an answer in 30 seconds or less.
People should expect Bloomberg to have people looking into it, and thats exactly what he's doing.
No one has died and the hospitals arent packed with people, so it doesnt seem poisonous, just smelly.
2007-01-08 13:45:09
answer #4
answered by dave b 6
Why would the Mayor be expected to ID a stink.....New York is full of odors....
2007-01-08 14:28:08
answer #5
answered by PoliticallyIncorrect 4
It is probably the sweat odor of politics as usual.
Seriously though, it isn't all that easy to figure it out quickly. BTW, a massive bird kill shut down large parts of Austin today also. Everybody is a bit jumpy it seems...
2007-01-08 13:27:33
answer #6
answered by diogenese19348 6
I hope it isn't that ancient sewage system finally giving up the ghost.
2007-01-08 13:22:52
answer #7
answered by Linea 3
It's probably britney spears airing out her crab trap again.......
2007-01-08 14:59:52
answer #8
answered by festeringhump 4
I think it is coming from the politicians themselves - somewhat like how one can not smell their own stink...
2007-01-08 13:26:31
answer #9
answered by strider89406 5
I think it's the Yankees!
2007-01-08 15:29:09
answer #10
answered by Lake Lover 6