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The philosophy books on this site claim that all science all mathematics all philosophy in fact all products of human thinking and thought collapes into meaninglesness. Logic itself collapses itself into meaninglessness. Logic is not an epistemic condition for the discovery of truth as it reduces everythhing including itelf to self-contradiction or meaninglessness. Nihlism is infact meaningless even meaninglessness ends in meannglessness We are left with nothing but chaos and uncertainty . By the very tools we use to discover truth ie logic these tool lead to their own collapse into meaningles and every other prodiuct of human thinking All categotries all ethics all clasificationary systems in fact every thing collapse into meaninglessness. in terms of the very tools ie logic we hope to give meaning with . How maths and sxcience work becomes a mystery


2007-01-08 05:00:51 · 5 answers · asked by ann 1 in Science & Mathematics Physics

5 answers

These arguments prove only the meaninglessness of that philosophy itself. It's an example of the application of a classical tool of logic, reduction to absurdity. Follow a premise to its logical conclusion. If that conclusion is absurd, the premise is probably wrong.

Some say that what I observe and call reality is not reality, but instead is purely a fictional creation of my mind. Indeed, I can't prove or disprove that. But if it's true, who created my mind and gave it this fantastic capability?

True meaning is that God created the universe and everything in it, and that there is absolute truth. If you refuse to even consider this as fact, then you are ruling out the answer even before you ask the question, and your results are likely to be meaningless and absurd.

2007-01-08 06:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by Frank N 7 · 0 0

So what you're saying is that a e book this is meaninglessness is affirming that each and every thing else is likewise meaningless. does not that provoke you as being slightly a topic? How can something that proclaims that that's incomprehensible say something significant with regards to something of the international? does not its judgment with regards to the "meaninglessness" of something of the international be no longer something better than a mirrored image of its very own self condemnation? i might say that the argument isn't purely meaningless yet down best stupid. meaning comes from use. using words, recommendations, innovations, and products are their meaning. So meaning isn't some obscure, mysterious thought. The defective nihilist who pronounces the international of recommendations is incomprehensible could desire to have a great form of difficulty employing a fork at supper. The undesirable fork being so meaningless and all. LOL.

2016-11-27 20:01:08 · answer #2 · answered by krausz 4 · 0 0

I would make mention that it is "logic" that you are using in coming to the conclusion you have. The end result of what you have stated is correct. No matter what mankind does in this life, it shall ultimately be destroyed. It is for this reason that mankind seeks the Creator of what we are part of. Without a Creator giving us meaning, there is none.

Really, I would suggest reading the book of St. John in the New Testament of the Bible. It WILL give you an answer for what you seek.

2007-01-08 05:29:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What is meaningless is philosophy. By definition, concepts that are untestable are at best philosophy. It is meaningless to posit ideas and concepts that are untestable because there can be no closure. The truth is out there, but it will not be found through philosophy.

2007-01-08 05:16:04 · answer #4 · answered by oldprof 7 · 1 0

If that is the case life is meaningless and we should all kill ourselves.

Its not true and the person who wrote it was smoking some illegal drug.

2007-01-08 05:11:17 · answer #5 · answered by michaelthegreat6 2 · 0 0

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