You can become a Microsoft Certified System Engineer, by learning the course, which will be offered by MS certified training centers or computer academy like NIIT.
You will have to regiseter yourself as astudent with the academy where they will train you on the certification
You have 4 papers to clear to become a MCSE.
Google MCSE and get to know the details pls.
2007-01-08 05:58:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are seven separate exams for the MCSE. Four "core" exams and 3 "electives". You can take classes physically or online, self study or take cram courses. There are testing centers all over the country that administer the tests. You get your answer (pass/fail) the moment you finish. Here's a copy of my answer to a similar question:
I got several free sources and a set of manuals from another publisher (I forget the name, but they were highly recommended). These are helpful, but will not let you pass the exams. To pass the Microsoft Exam, you have to have the Microsoft materials. Period. So, spend the money for the stuff from Microsoft Press. A bit more expensive, yes, but essential to pass. They contain CD's with full Enterprise trial versions of the OS, test questions, etc. I started with the four core courses for 2003 server first, then Exchange, XP and the final one... Probably better to start with the XP first. Much easier to pass. Once you have one success under your belt, you'll have more confidence to tackle the harder stuff.
You'll be better off to familiarize yourself with all four core courses before taking the first core exam. Much of the material "bleeds" over from one exam to the next. You'll need a working knowledge of all of them in order to pass even one.
Study on your own. Either you get it, or you don't. Classes, etc. are generally very expensive and not very productive. (This from a former professor). Cram courses I would consider pointless, as there is just too much information to remember to try to take all seven exams at once.
The MCSE is extremely difficult. Harder than law school. It took me 8 months of full-time study to pass all seven exams. I hear the failure rate is about 70%, but I'm not sure if that's truth, or rumor
2007-01-08 06:19:42
answer #2
answered by antirion 5