Good for you for researching a natural childbirth! There are many techniques that can be used in order to avoid medications. I don't know what you mean by the gas and air option, but here are some other comfort measures:
Movement (walking, rocking, dancing)
Different positions (squatting, hands and knees, etc)
Vocalizing (moaning, sighing, groaning)
Counter-pressure on the lower back
Warm/cold packs to the lower back
Emotional support
There are lots of ways to have a natural childbirth, but I highly encourage using a doula. They are trained labor assistants who have experience in helping women cope with the emotional and physical aspects of labor. They range in price from around $200 to $1000 and beyond for prenatal education and planning, labor assistance, and post natal support. However, there are lots and lots of ways around that cost if you cannot afford it, namely finding a volunteer or doula in training who will provide assistance at a reduced cost or even for free!
Doulas are awesome! Everyone who wants to have a natural childbirth should seriously consider having one during labor! Find one at (e-mail or call them directly if you're looking for a doula in training or volunteer).
Epidurals are and other pain medications are *not* completely without risk. There is evidence that they can cause complications with breastfeeding, and other side effects can result in the mother (among other risks). I'm not saying that you shouldn't get one, cause thats your choice. Just make sure you ask lots of questions and do research before any medical intervention!
2007-01-08 04:34:39
answer #1
answered by bananababies 2
With my first I didn't want an epidural until the pain medicine wore off and I started getting sick and in intense pain. I was in labor 24 plus hours, so I was begging for the epidural, they put it in the top part of my back, it felt like a bee sting, and I was good from there. With my 2nd child the pain was the same, so I went on ahead and got the epidural, but this time the put in into my lower back and it hurt like hell going in. I kept feeling pain in my legs, so they turned my epidural up, this happened 3 times, by the time I was ready to give birth, the only pain I felt was the head crowning, and the doctor pushing up my butt, because I was so numb I was unable to push by myself.
I am currently 20 weeks with my 3rd child and going straight for the epidural,no question about it.
You might have a birth plan, but always go in with an open mind, because the situation can change and you may have to make a decision other than the one you want.
2007-01-08 04:36:43
answer #2
answered by sunflowerlizard 6
This is your body. Do what makes you feel the most comfortable. Your husband has no idea what its like to give birth. I stongly recomend an epidural!!! I was posotive that i was going to go all natural! I did pretty good to i got to 8 1\2cen. But then i got my epidural. I was so happy that i did becuase then i could actually relax and enjoy the birth of my son. You can still feel somthing but it is not as painful. Mabey you should sit and really dicuss this with your husband. Go in with your plan but dont feel bad if you have to alter it. I had a whole birth plan made up too, we followed just about none of it. Childbirth is somthing that does not normally go as planned. But in the end the decision is up to you and no one eles. I was so greatful for my epidural, Now i remember the beauty of my son being born not the pain.
2007-01-08 04:43:16
answer #3
answered by coliepollie22 2
Trust me you want the epidural especially if don't like pain. All it does is numb you from the waist down until about an hour after your give birth. I had it 3 times and I was walking around after about an hour. I was going to wait with me 3rd child and not take it but as I got closer to giving birth I changed my mind and I was almost to late because it did not make me all the way numb in time so I felt her shoulders come out and I vowed never to wait that long again. And if it was me I would tell my husband if he did not want me to have an epidural then he should have gotten pregnant and he could have a baby natural. Hope my experiences help. Good Luck!
2007-01-08 04:29:15
answer #4
answered by belle0324 5
Wait, it's YOU that is pregnant, not your husband right? That's how it works in our family. *I* am the one giving birth, NOT him and I really don't give a flying fig what he thinks of what I use or don't use to give birth. And you said you are writing up YOUR BIRTH PLAN, not your husband's. What is wrong with an epidural? The whole purpose is to numb your lower body so that you don't feel all of the pain. And that is just what it does. WIth my first I had an epidural and didn't feel anything at all. Didn't feel the contractions, didn't feel the crowning, it was totally 100% pain free. With my second I arrived at the hospital at 4cm. 25 minutes later I was at 10cm and ready to push. No time for an epi so they gave me something..don't know what to "take the edge away." All it did to me was make me feel drunk, out of control and I STILL felt ALL of the pain. My philosophy is to be as comfortable as possible while in labor. Please make this decision based on what YOU feel comfortable with, not your husband because all he does is sit there and watch. Good luck
2007-01-08 04:44:53
answer #5
answered by october g 3
Hypnosis?? Demerol? (however it would get into the blood stream and make baby sleepy for those first breaths)
I was in your situation too. I rememeber not wanting the epidural and after I felt what it REALLY feels like to be in active labor, I changed my mind quickly.
Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who has a fast labor. I can handle extreme pain, but only for awhile. After several hours of labor, I just had to give in. (and I was so happy I did).
I'm not trying to alter your beliefs on how you want your labor plan. I'm just sharing what I know about it
I've got 4 boys and had an epidural with all but one. If I had to do it again, i'd take the epidural.
2007-01-08 04:26:48
answer #6
answered by bluegrass 5
First of all, your husband is not the one birthing this baby. You get to decide what kind of pain relief you will use. this your first baby, your husband has no idea how mush of an idiot he is for being "against" the epidural and water birth. How can he be against anything? He is not the one who will be feeling the pain! You should lay out all of your options and choose for yourself based on what you think is right and your feelings about giving birth. You husband should support you in what ever you decide. You tell him I said that!
2007-01-08 04:38:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why is he opposed to waterbirth? Epidurals do have REAL risks to you and the baby, but waterbirth has been proven very safe in normal term labors. It is also excellent for pain relief. Perhaps help your husband really look at the safety of waterbirth?
Also, it is important to remember: you were made to give birth. You can do it. If we are relaxed and feel safe, out body actually produces hormones (endorphins) to help our bodies physically relax and to help ease the pain as well as helping our babies prepare to be born. Pain in childbirth is not that same as any other pain (like from an accident or disease); it has a purpose and it has an end. You are strong mama!
My other advice is to get a birth doula. She will be there to help you handle the pain of labor and to help you make sure your providers stick as close as possible to your birth plan.
2007-01-08 04:33:43
answer #8
answered by tierrapartera 2
This is not your husband's decision, unless HE's the one giving birth. You do whatever you and your doctor/midwife decide is safe for the baby while helping you experience childbirth in a way you want to.
I've had an epidural - did not like that experience at all, and 'natural' childbirth with no drugs whatsoever. The natural way was my favorite of the two...but its a very personal decision and only one YOU can make.
Good luck...and congrats!!
2007-01-08 04:31:40
answer #9
answered by Enchanted 7
I've been pregnant 3 times, each one is so diffrent.. I will say this you might want to tell the doctor to give you some demoral on the low when your husband is not there cause it will hurt. You will be surprised how much pain you can handle when it is all over though! Once the shoulders are out you won't feel a thing!
Oh yeah, massage was great with baby number 2 but with baby number one I did not want anyone to touch me, so have an alternate plan just in case.
2007-01-08 04:27:39
answer #10
answered by vivs043 1