Very common. Babies spit up all the time but if your baby does it more then usually to the point where you are starting to feel a little weird, it might be acid reflux. Ask your pediatritian at your next appointment or call and schedule one.
2007-01-08 03:43:06
answer #1
answered by thikingdomcome 2
My son is three months and he has had acid reflux since he was born. Although some people mistake overfeeding for reflux, there are consistant signs.. Spitting up a lot is a sign, coughing, arching of the back a lot ( not when stretching), constant fussiness after and during eating, ( if you are breastfeeding the baby may pull away a lot) can do research on it and read on it. I would contact the pediatrician so that they can either rule it out or diagnose it. If they diagnose reflux, they can perscribe a medication to help her. My son is on Zantac. Oh... also.. every Pedi who diagnoses a child with reflux will recommend putting a little bit of cereal in the bottle to help with the tummy. But I would still check with your Pedi.
2007-01-08 11:48:37
answer #2
answered by MommytoJBrycin 2
It would be hard for you to diagnose acid reflux in a child. I doubt she has this problem. At 3-4 months, my guess is that she is still on breast milk or formula and not spicy chili or pizza. Milk and formula are considered bases. Bases neutralize acid in the stomach. Do not worry about acid reflux until they are about in their early 20's are inactive with a poor diet.
Note: Babies spit up alot because of the extra air they recieve when feeding. This air in the stomach will also cause discomfort which will cause crying. Make sure you burp her well and for an extended amount of time.
Good luck.
2007-01-08 11:47:24
answer #3
answered by K G 2
Yes my son spit up everything from about 3 weeks old to about 9 months and he did have acid reflux my doctor precribed a medicine and It would work for about a week then he would start to spit up again......he gained weight normally and is now a healthy 2 year old....ask your doctor about it and he will give u some good doctor recommended feeding my son smaller bottles/ shorter sessions at the breast so he wouldn't get so full and that helped in him spitting up all the time....also burping her multiple times during a feeding helped.
2007-01-08 11:52:29
answer #4
answered by Kris 2
My bub just got diagnosed w/it. Her symptoms are:
Pulling forward when eating. Crying excessively after eating. coughing and choking when laying down after eating. (that is when i knew there was a problem, after she would eat, i would lay her down to change her diaper, and you could hear stuff coming up through her asophagus and she would choke on it.) She didn't spit up that much, but that is a huge sign of it. My doc put her on Baby Zantac by prescription. It tastes horrible. It tastes like adult cough medicine w/no flavor. It is nasty. I have to give her 1ML in the morning and 1ML at night. I have to sneak it in her mouth while she is feeding - little squirts until it is all gone. She's been on the meds for about a week and a few days and she is doing a lot better. Good luck.
2007-01-08 11:48:05
answer #5
answered by Brooke's Mommy 3
I have heard if its more like shes throwing up then she could have reflux. If she is just spitting up a little bit (its usually like a tablespoon) then its fine. At 3 months old according to my pediatrician babies start to be more active which causes them to spit up more. It only gets worse but gets better by 6 months. So if its alot of spit it, like her whole meal then talk to your Dr. But spit up is very normal.
2007-01-08 11:45:43
answer #6
answered by Michell 1
I have heard a few babies with acid reflux, but I'm not real sure of the symptoms.
2007-01-08 11:43:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is very common, 2 of my daughters had it. My most recent had very little weight gain, cried during feeding, fed often, and didn't like to lay flat on her back. She cried all the time!!!
Talk to your doctor, there are medications they can give the baby to help with this. The meds helped my daughter gain weight and stopped all the crying and feeding problems.
2007-01-08 11:55:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Have you tried Mylicon drops? They bring the air bubbles to the surface and burp out easier. Make sure you burp your baby really well, and don't put them on their bellies for a while after they eat. My kids needed Mylicon drops for a while because they spit up so much because the air wanted to come up but it wasn't separating fom the formula in their bellies.
2007-01-08 11:50:20
answer #9
answered by Becky 3
just a heads nephew was having the same problem for a few days. We called the Dr. and switched his formula and it continued. We took him to the emergency room for fear that he would dehydrate. Turns out he had viral gastroenteritis. Here is a link to a website with info that may help you...hope this helps!
2007-01-08 11:53:41
answer #10
answered by Krzy72 1