Don't stop there. Take away any stereos, cd players, TVs, cds, and everything else that comes to mind. Don't allow any phone calls to or from him. Make him go to bed early. All kinds of things you may not have thought about yet. Also, take the plugs to the computer so he can not use it either. Eventually he will give. Trust me on this!
2007-01-08 01:50:58
answer #1
answered by teashy 6
Well, this is coming from a 15 year old girl's point of view :) It kind of depends on how mature she is, her overall personality, and where you live. Obviously every 13 year old is different. I personally was extremely mature for 13, with that came responsiblities and privileges, when I was 13 I had to take care of my younger sisters (both age 4) because my mom worked ALOT (we're fatherless) so I bathed them, feed them, changed diapers, got them dressed, walk them to school and helped with homework. Being that I live in the South Bronx,NY I'm street smart, and I get decent grades. So my mom gives me alot of freedom. I could literally be in the city (Mannhattan) all night and come home at whenever and my mom won't react. BUT, there are some 13 year olds out there that are very immature. I was in Florida for spring break with my Cousins and we went to the mall, and I saw a 13 year old girl throwing a flat out TANTRUM! It was ridiculious!..I knew she was 13 because she threw herself on the floor crying and her mom said "You are 13!, you are to old to be acting like that. If I had a 13 year old like that I won't give her that much privileges. Just my opinion, Take it :) or Leave it -__-
2016-05-23 09:53:32
answer #2
answered by ? 4
First of all I gotta say, that's pretty funny. I did something like that when i was his age, and I got in huge trouble....
Just cuz you can't spank your kid doesn't mean you can't punish him. Why not ground him/take away privelages/etc.? (Personally, I don't see why you can't just spank him, it always did me good when I was a kid.)
As for getting into the computer, it depends on which version of Windows you have. Just go to any hacker's website, and they will usually know exactly how to get into admin passwords. (Windows security is not very tight)
2007-01-08 01:50:12
answer #3
answered by Chip 7
Take the computer to a local computer store or call Geek Squad and they should be able to unlock it for you. Take the cost out of the child's money or allowance and definitely do not allow him access to a computer for some time to come. Also have them check the content, it is obvious they are hiding something they don't want you to see or know about.
2007-01-08 01:49:56
answer #4
answered by notaxpert 6
Ha! What a smartarse.
Ban him from using, get computer savvy yourself and make yourself the Admin next time.
Also, if he is good at computer, maybe support him more and be more interested in his hobby.
Ask him why he did it and explain why it wasn't fair of him.
(Also, I was smacked as a kid occasionally when I deserved it and I knew I did. It wasn't abuse or all the time and I appreciate my parents for it now.)
2007-01-08 01:49:31
answer #5
answered by Lady M 2
Unplug power Pull the CMOS Battery, wait 15 Mins, and try and get in.
After that you will need some Linux software, or some PW software to break the Code.
Alternatively, Boot into Safe Mode and try giving yourself Admin Priviledges.
2007-01-08 01:48:37
answer #6
answered by Mictlan_KISS 6
(1) Back up your files, and your files only.
(2) Tell him he has 15 seconds to give you the admin password or you are going to wipe the hard drive. Be ready to do that in 15 seconds, you don't want to give him time to think of something else snotty to do. The little bugger loses all his files. Boo hoo.
(3) Re-install the operating system and all software. DO NOT give him the password to the administative account, and DO NOT give his account admin priviledges.
(4) ground him until he is 21.
2007-01-08 02:00:46
answer #7
answered by diogenese19348 6
Now that he has locked your computer.....The only thing you can do is, tell him you have taken away the Internet provider service until he comes to an agreement and unlock the computer. And you can have it back on.
The computer won't be any use to him without Internet service. Because kids like to chat on messenger...
Good luck...
2007-01-08 03:55:37
answer #8
answered by Island Girl 5
1) Call Geek Squad.
2) Severely restrict his computer privileges, in addition to some sort of other appropriate punishment.
3) Get a bag of periods/full stops; they'll help you with those pesky sentences.
2007-01-08 01:54:07
answer #9
answered by YabanciKiz 5
back up the data to the point where the lock wasnt on it! and keep kids off your computer.
you can download a tool to get the admin pass! plant something in your computer to record the key strokes and then let him sign in and bam you have the pass.
2007-01-08 01:48:28
answer #10
answered by † Dark Prince † 4