The game of love has many sides. His way to start a relationship is very different than yours. I feel more like you do, when I meet someone and start to hit it off, I want to talk and get to know them, but so many women I have met, just want to jump into the physical right away.
What that shows me, is that the person wants the easy way to love, not to have to resolve issues or spend time to get to know and trust you - just hop into bed and then you have got it - an instant girlfriend/boyfriend - no work needed. and when things start to get complicated, then they leave, because they just can't work hard at anything.
So these little signs that you are seeing, do mean something. Always pay attention to the signs. This man clearly is on a different page than you and nothing you do is going to change who he is, or how he relates to women. He has shown you this and as hard as it is, when you meet someone you think is special, you can not change how he sees the world.
I wish you the best of luck, you sound like you are the type to put a lot into a relationship. You need to find someone who is willing to do the same. And I am betting you can find it too.
2007-01-08 16:55:48
answer #1
answered by Steven S 2
1) The "I'm so beautiful so I'm better than everyone else, and can treat everyone else like crap" game. Having physical beauty doesn't give a woman a license to be arrogant, stuck-up and conceited. Having self cofidence is one thing, but acting like this is quite another. It shows a real lack of class and respect for other people. 2) Telling white lies and exxagerations to make themselves look more desireable. E.g.: faking that you're going out on dates, or exxagerating about all these swarms of men that suppossedly want you, etc. Not only is this dishonest, but a woman who does this really sends a message that something is wrong with her because if she were desirable she wouldn't have to play this game. 3) Dropping hints but never saying what you want. Sure, it might take more courage to come right out and say what you want, but it'll almost certainly save a lot of headaches in the long run. That way the guy and the girl don't have to play charades and 20 questions all the time. 4) Nagging. Too much nagging is a really great way to make your man resent spending time with you. Over time, he'll eventually view you as a behavior policewoman rather than your lover. 5) The "He has to make the first move" game. We live in the 21st century, and feminists have been complaining for decades about breaking down gender barriers. Women aren't property arrangements where the best swordfighter gets to take her home anymore. What's wrong with calling him first, or talking to him first instead of spending weeks wondering if he likes you, asking other people how to get him to notice you, and riding on this psychological merry-go-round? 6) The "I have to make him jealous to get him to like me" game. Going around and flirting with other men makes you look slutty, not wholesome. Again, a woman who does something like that sends the message that she's compensating for other shortcomings. Hey, don't get mad. You asked :)
2016-05-23 08:54:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Tell him that. If he can't accept the fact that you aren't ready for a physical relationship then you need to move on to somebody that is more your level. I have made the mistake before, so I know how you feel. Just remember that no matter what you do for him you can never make him feel the same way you do. I wish you the best of luck and hope you don't make the same mistakes that I did once upon a time.
2007-01-07 20:24:20
answer #3
answered by his angel 3
If your not ready for something so sudden like that, then your more then welcome to go right ahead, and be honest with this guy, if he doesnt understand then you should know that he wasnt worth hanging on to. I completely understand what you are saying about trust and feeling secure with the person, usually after you tell a guy that your comfortable doing certain things with them and if they dont understand and stop talking to you then that's when you know they're not worth your valuable time. You need someone to resepct you and to treat you the way you would treat them. Don't ever settle for anything less.
2007-01-07 20:09:13
answer #4
answered by natali3x3 2
May be he is playing but I'm with u . U should not trust him now it's too early
2007-01-07 20:04:52
answer #5
answered by shimaa s 1
Be your own sweet self and just chalk it up to it being his loss. Do not be pressured into anything that you do not feel comfortable with. He sounds like someone to avoid. You can certainly do better.
2007-01-07 20:04:20
answer #6
answered by phoenixheat 6
honey you should make him know that kisses or even sex is just a part of friendship and you should have other stuffs like outgoing , cinema, ... make him know that ..act seriously but tell him that you really like him,...good luck
2007-01-07 20:04:06
answer #7
answered by kamran 1
He just wants to get laid. What do you expect a marriage proposal? He probably doesn't even like you, he just wants your... you know.
2007-01-07 20:05:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
dont trust any1 aksept ur family ok
2007-01-07 20:02:45
answer #9
answered by ohshapapa 2
tell him you would like to take it slow or rather you are uncomfortable with his requests and/or actions.
2007-01-07 20:03:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous