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I am an American woman who just started dating a guy from Saudi Arabia. Since we come from such different cultures, I was just wondering what I should expect...or what I could be getting myself into.

2007-01-07 17:53:01 · 15 answers · asked by chemico22 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

15 answers

With any man it really depends on him but I can speak from my own experience.

My Husband grew up in Iraq. He has always treated me with love and respect. His family has been a different story. They made our lives hell until he cut ties with them 2 years ago. They did not approve of the divorced with two children American.

I would have to suggest that you do as much research on the area and the religion as you can by doing so you will have a better understanding as to why he does the things he does.

If you need any specific help you can email me at lil_lil_lady_bug@yahoo.com

2007-01-11 14:35:03 · answer #1 · answered by Layla 6 · 1 0

Dating A Muslim Man

2016-11-10 20:59:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well, i am a moslem man myself, I went to saudi arabia once for an umrah, and I live in USA for two years. So I know a little from both sides.

Hmmmm, seeing where he's from (saudi arabia, which is the center of hard-line Islamic culture, and the strictest of all Arab emirates country), I think you'll face a lot of culture clash if you decided to stay with him in Saudi Arabia.. You see, the society structure there is very strict, unlike in USA

Let me tell you what I know. I think you will be expected to wear a "hijab",and "abaya" (all-covering women garb, only the face is opened) when you go outside your home in Saudi Arabia. Yes, there might be some family pressure on converting to Islam. You'll have a maid in your home for you. Your husband will likely buy everything for you (including underwear). Women travelling alone is very risky there (and viewed as low), so you'll be accompanied by a maid or your husband or your friends when travelling. In other side, you won't have to work, and your husband will be VERY attentive to you. And don't worry, even in Saudi Arabia, it is very unlikely that your husband will marry more than one wife (and he'll have to ask for YOUR permit to to that, good luck for him, haha)

This is for saudi-arabian moslem only, not a saudi-arabian non-moslem or moslem from other country. And moreover, if you are with this guy and you both are living/travelling in some other place than Saudi Arabia, those conditions above will not valid. You see, it's more of a cultural things.

So, if you want to avoid a cultural clash, can I suggest some other place in-between? Europe maybe if you and him can afford it? Or Egypt?

2007-01-08 01:59:39 · answer #3 · answered by BanuA 2 · 3 3

I just love how women who have never had a relationship with Muslim men feel they have all of the answers! They are SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG!!! They should be quiet if they do not have first hand experience. I am married to a Muslim man (and I am American) and I am spoiled rotten. I am the most important person in his life, he pampers me, he trusts me, he always protects me, I am his life.

Give this man a chance. If he turns out to not be a good man for some reason, consider it an experience and move on. Do not let other people's uneducated answers determine your love life.

Alireza is wrong... I am Christian (by name only, not practicing) and I DID NOT have to convert to marry my husband. All Muslim men are free to marry Christian, Jewish or Muslim women.

2007-01-07 23:20:40 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 2 0

I think it is so wrong to stereotype any one as a "Muslim man". What do you expect from a Christian man? Are all Christian men supposed to act the same. But since you say he is from saudi Arabia, if one one hand you may find him somewhat dominating, he will also be verry caring and protective. He will treat you like a precious princess, but also expect your devotion and commitment too. You will also realise that he will pray, fast and perform other Muslim rituals. The question is, are YOU broad-minded enough to accept a man very different from the stereotyped man you have grown up seeing?

2007-01-07 18:26:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Serenada Underwear

2016-12-29 13:28:19 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well, Muslims are particular about their sources of food and prayer times. So, when having a meal with him try to avoid eating at a restaurant that serves pork and alcohol beverages. At best, dine at a Halal restaurant. He may excuse himself to go for prayers, if he's a devout one. But other than that, I don't see how different he will be as compared to other guys.

2007-01-07 18:00:12 · answer #7 · answered by serenada 2 · 2 0

Muslim men are not to look at women directly unless they want to marry them.
They cant touch a woman unless they are married or the person is from they're immediate family.
And they are very restrict on who they're wife talks to and are very protective towards them.
Oh and they can't marry a woman unless she turns Muslim.
If he is shite then he could make an impermanent marriage with a person which is either Christian or Jew.

2007-01-07 18:03:09 · answer #8 · answered by alireza_in_trouble 2 · 0 4

You're in for a big surprise down the road ,honey.

2007-01-07 18:05:17 · answer #9 · answered by greβ 6 · 0 2

Try www.chandraat.com and

2007-01-10 16:25:45 · answer #10 · answered by path2india 1 · 0 0

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