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Ok for all you Gamers out there, what the best graphic card i can get for $150.00 Right now i have a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 its pretty gay. I bought a game called The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from bestbuy and i could barely play it. My friend showed me this sight http://www.srtest.com/referrer/srtest its called, System Requirements Lab it looks at your computer's hardware and system software to determine whether or not your current system can run a surtain game or not. Well i took the test on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and i passed every thing but the Graphic card test, i was 1 bar away from passing it. So i think its about time for a upgrade, if you guys could help me out i would like that, thanks.

2007-01-07 17:15:10 · 4 answers · asked by FCCJReDnEcK 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

4 answers


Look for a graphics card featuring with at least 256MB. The more the better. You will also want a card that supports as much polygons or vertexes as possible. The more the better.

2007-01-07 17:29:46 · answer #1 · answered by Zikro 5 · 0 0

zikro is right on the money with this question. i am running an ati radeon 9800 128 meg video card and i can play oblivion with the video settings almost maxed out. and to let you know get a good driver when u get a new card. dont use the one that comes with it for it is more than likely an old driver. try and find a CURRENT driver and your card will run better than with an old driver. hope this helps. also try looking on craigslist for your area under computers and look for some video cards that way. you will be surprised on how CHEAP you can find really GOOD cards on there that people want to sell. also having a good amount of ram on your motherboard is a BIG plus. i have about a gig in my system that helps alot.

2007-01-08 05:39:41 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy May 3 · 0 0

Nivia GE Force 7400 is a great card..I suggest this one cos of ur price range..I used to have this card but i up graded to higher Nivia GE Force card due to the amount of games i play...

Nivia GE Force 7400 has awsum graphics and plays everything..

Update to this card i suggested and you shall be right for at least 2 years of gaming until u have to upgrade again..Its worth it...

2007-01-07 18:01:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well I have NVIDIA GeForce 7500 LE and its freaking awesome! I have no problems playing any game that I get. But NVIDIA is the best card to get for games

2007-01-07 17:23:25 · answer #4 · answered by Silvertones 2 · 0 0

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